The Return

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Cass POV

It's been eight years since I set on my own journey to find my own destiny. To be my own person. But every day I missed Rapunzel. She grew on me and my feelings for her were very real. The day she lost her memories was one of my fav days ever. She saw me the way she sees Eugene every day and it felt good for a change. To finally feel wanted and heard. But then, everything went back to normal and things fell out of hand. And the past is something I try to keep aside. But today is the day I return to corona because I already found what I was looking for and realized home is where Rapunzel is. It's where my friends are. Where my family is.

It takes me days but I finally reached Corona and honestly it hasn't changed one bit from where I stand. Fidella and Owl seem content to be back and I do too. We start walking through the bridge and to the front gates of the castle. Man, I remember it all too well. My first trip with Raps and the way we silently left through these same gates for adventure. Some town folks weren't that happy to see me even after eight years but I can't blame them. I really terrorized the town. I guided Fidella to the stables and make my way to the castle. I wonder what Raps is up to. Eight years huh. It's been a long time. She probably has her own children now. Altho she is too young for that still.

I make my way to the familiar yet different walls of the castle that I remember walking every day with Raps attending to her and my responsibilities in lady in waiting. I go back to my old room which surprisingly has been put back the way it used to be. All my old stuff here and it makes me smile. She never gave up on me and she still waited for me. I settle down in my bed and didn't know how exhausted I was until something woke me up.

Raps POV

Eight years since I've seen Cass and she didn't even come to say hi but to take a nap?? I find her sleeping in her bed and if it wasn't for Owl I never would have known she came back to Corona. Of course I wake her up because it's been eight years and I need to catch up with her. What has she been up to? Who has she met? Did she accomplish what she wanted? Did she find her destiny? Is she back to stay or for visit? Did she miss me?

I softly shake her and whispered her name until she finally opens her eyes. Slowly but lovingly. That's the Cass I know and that's the Cass I love. The Cass I....... No I'm with Eugene . I'm his wife. I can't think this way. What if marrying him was the wrong choice? Ever since Cass left I felt like something was missing from me. These eight years have been happy and filled with adventure but something was missing and now it's back. She's back. And I can't let her leave again.

Cass POV

I smile as I see a familiar set of green eyes staring at me. "When did you get here ?" She asks me. I slowly sit up and tell her 'last night'. She starts bombarding me with questions about where I've been and how it was. And I smiled and told her everything but that it was time to come home. That made Raps smile and give me a warm bear hug. Then she slowly started sobbing.

"Raps, what's wrong?"

"I just didn't know if you were ever coming back, Cass"

I feel my smile fade as I sink into her hug. I wasn't even sure if I ever wanted to come back. Coming back meant facing the one thing I was trying to escape. The fact Rapunzel chose Eugene over me. And that she married him. That is the reason I left in the first place. I had no future in Corona. Staying meant seeing Rapunzel happy with someone who is not me. That let a tear escape my eye too. I let a deep sigh.

"What's on your mind Cass?" she says not letting go as if she's scared I'll leave again

"Raps, there's something I never told you"

"What is it Cass?"

"I.....I left because of you. Because I have been in love with you for years and I knew that you would never see me that way. Not with Eugene around." Saying those words bring some sort of satisfaction and freedom I have been keeping for years.

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