The wedding

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Authors note: Now I know I still need to do part two of the last one shot I did. But I don't know why I've been haunted by the fact cass wasn't at rapunzels wedding and even tho I know the real reason, is just hard to accept it so . Let me process it with you guys. And I'm gonna be a party popper and go with the cass got exiled theory .

Cass POV

I've been in Corona for 19 years. I grew up here and know everyone around. No one really took the time to know me or take me seriously. They either saw me as the Captains daughter or as Rapunzels lady in waiting. So when the King officially told me I had to leave corona after all the danger and damaged I caused these past few months, I didn't complain. Part of my rage taking control of me was because I have always been undervalued and unappreciated. Always overshadowed by people, not only by Rapunzel. And this is a great opportunity to finally shine my own light. But the other part of my rage came from buried and suppressed emotions towards the unrequited love towards Rapunzel. The day I met her I knew, I just didn't want to admit it and confused it with annoyance and bitterness. But I knew. Rapunzel had something special and she made me feel something I never tried to feel with  anyone. I either hated love or thought I didn't deserve it or wanted it. I've never been nurtured or love correctly. But when Rapunzel came along, I don't know it was like a ray of sunshine illuminated my whole darkness and like I felt what being loved actually was. Someone who cares for you and tries to prove you that you are worthy and wants to help and make you feel happy and support you. And I told myself please don't fall in love with her, please don't. But every day I spent time with her my feelings for her grew stronger. I never had a reason to hate her, I never hated her. I couldn't . I only hated myself. For thinking she could ever love me the way she loves Eugene. Maybe I was hopeful like when she lost her memories or when she wanted to spend alone time with me or when she resurrected me or kept fighting for me even when I treated her like shit. But I was just being delusional and overseeing and taking her kindness for romantic love. So when the King gave me that escape I took it. It's the only way to move on and find my own light and destiny along the way. So as I looked at her for one last time as she gave me her journal to write my own adventures. After kissing her just to know how it feels like. As I said goodbye to her within myself, I got on Fidella and rode on. Away from Corona. Away from her....

Rapunzel POV

"I don't understand why she had to leave. Doesn't she has everything she ever wanted here? "

"Rapunzel, you know Cass. She always does everything by herself. And finding her own destiny and all that, is a journey she has to do it by herself. She needs to heal. And besides there is no way Corona would forgive her after the way she destroyed our kingdom. This is a good thing. And now we can focus on us. I mean we are getting married in a week."

"Yea not everyone is as forgiving as I am. You are right. Is for the best..."

But even when I said those words, it felt wrong. She's my best friend and her intentions. She didn't mean to. She doesn't deserve this. I know she said she was willingly leaving to find her own destiny but when I saw her eyes, there was something more she didn't tell me. And I overheard my parents talking about how the right decision is to exile her. I'm still hoping she will be returning for my wedding. I asked her to be my bridesmaid in the last letter I sent her through Owl. I just hope she'll be there...

Cass POV

I got Rapunzels wedding invitation like someone packed a poisonous flower inside that envelope. It's my fault I didn't tell her how I'm feeling, how I feel towards her. I just don't know how. She's my best friend and I know it will lead to rejection. What's the point? I wanted to move on. Keep going and now I'm staring at the most dangerous letter I've ever gotten. A wedding invitation from the girl I love....whose marrying another man. What's the point in going? Just to make sure she's happy? Of course she is, it will only hurt me more and right now I'm in no state for that. All I want is to heal. I have so many open wounds I need to close before facing her again and that wedding would only open it more. Besides king Frederic was very serious of never returning to Corona again. I was exiled. There is no way I could come back even if I wanted to. Is not my home anymore. She's not my home anymore. I lost....

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