Chapter 2 - The Reckoning

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-(Another class, another chapter)-

"...I'm not thinking about this anymore. what the fuck, [Meta]?! Damnit, welp...Looks like i'm a 'Pseudo-Pedophile' now...wait does remnant even have a AoC? is it even 18? Either way, im going to not do anything until I know more-"

{[Due to use attempting to rationalize the results of a godly prank by Zweixavier, they have gained the titles; [Pseudo-Pedophile], and [No balls].]}

I Open the status again, and peer at the titles.




Grants -10% reputation gain to every adult over 18. grants +10% reputation gain to young adults 15-17. grants reputation +50% gain to innocent/not sexually awakened/not sexually aware young adults 15-17. grants -10000% reputation to anyone who finds out about this title. Lessens when Ruby turns 16.. becomes worse if user {Redacted}s Ruby before she is 16. Title is removed when Ruby turns 18. 'b-but Remnant has a AoC of 16-' don't be like that one redditor, Argent.

[No balls]

User has no balls. -10% reputation gain to people who are adrenaline junkies, badasses, or do dangerous things for a living. removable by doing something crazy, unhinged, and dangerous. 'im not a coward!' -proceeds to be a coward-. don't be a pansy, Argent.


"...great. the system thinks i'm a pansy and a pedo. fucking [Zweixavier]...Welp...time to grind stats!"

{[Status page]}


{Name: Argent Winchester Argent

{level: 0

exp: 0/10

{Gender: Male

{Race: Dov Faunus

{Title(s): Pseudo-Pedophile, No balls.

{Hp: 100

{MP: 340

{AP: LOCKED (18000)

{SP: 100

{Con: 10

{End: 10

{Atn: 18

{Prc: 18

{Str: 6

{Dex: 6

{Int: 17

{Wis: 17

{Lck: -10

{Bloodline traits:




Faunus in mistral

Rotted Fettid Cursed blood

Yandere Ruby's soulmate


"well...wait. I can't level up or gain exp until I'm 'aware of my true nature'...but 'Dov' looks...familiar." I shrug, and walk over to a tree, and thump my head against it...but something blocks my head from hitting it, and I put my hand to my head. I feel bone, and gnarled ridges. "horns...?" I facepalm, and begin to search for anything reflective. I walk for hours, before finding a puddle in a clearing. I kneel by it, and am startled by silver eyes. "What the fuck?! it this that [perk] that Argent gives? fuck, Argent...Silver...i'm an idiot..." {[Due to noticing your hidden perk, it is now revealed to you! Perk; [Silver Eyes: lv.1 0/10] ]}

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