Chapter 10 - A fated and doomed meeting and a choice is made

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I groan in boredom as we sit in an old warehouse in downtown Vale. it was stupidly easy to sneak the Whole White Fang into here. It turns out local corruption runs DEEP. I am itching for violence and bloodshed, due to my nature as a shade. Shit, I didn't realize how hard it'd be for me to resist and hold out. Eragon made this shit look only mildly difficult in 'Shade'. this is like a Herculean test of will for ME...perhaps because I was already an ass it hits me harder.

"Hey you think Cinder would mind if I went out and...culled some of our competition?" I give him a small grin, but frown when he shakes his head. "You will have your chance soon enouh-" "NO! I-I need to do SOMETHING with my time! Hell, I'd even eat Dust if it meant not being this bored..." "How about you train instead of whining? it's driving me even more insane." "Fiiiine- wait, that's actually a good Idea!" I jump to my feet, and rush into an unused room of the warehouse, and bring out Force Edge, running through the motions of basic combat maneuvers, and practically dance through mock combat with nonexistent foes. my body automatically Dodges and rolls as I keep jumping and fighting. Eventually, when I can focus, I begin basic exercises, scaled up to my stats of course. 1000 push-ups, sit-ups, squats, crunches, lunges, jumping jacks, and I run laps around the room.

{[quest created: the path to   p o w e r]}

do a modified form of Saitama's workout. every. single. day.

push-ups 1000/1000

sit-ups 1000/1000

squats 1000/1000

crunches 1000/1000

lunges 1000/1000

jumping jacks 1000/1000

100 km run 1/1


any stat increases from the actions

additional stats rewards: 1-5 in each phys stat

{[quest created: Rimgar: dance of the snake and crane]}

oh boy, you better get limber, boy.

"Place your feet together and your arms at your sides. Look straight ahead. Now take a deep breath and lift your arms over your head so that your palms meet.... Yes, like that. Exhale and bend down as far as you can, put your palms on the ground, take another breath... and jump back. Good. Breathe in and bend up, looking toward the sky... and exhale, lifting your hips until you form a triangle. Breathe in through the back of your throat... and out. In... and out. In..."

Do the Rimgar stances and the sun salutation yoga stretches every day


 hyper flexibility as long as it is done daily.

better (but not perfect) emotional control.

Welp. time to stretch~

~time and skip~

I hate myself. I managed to pull my back 37 times in an hour. I kept going and going, and managed to complete the quests...but DAMN that hurt...



{Name: Argent Winchester Argent

{level: 15

exp: 80/120

{Gender: Male

{Age- 17

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