Chapter 16 - a day in class, and using new things!

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'I hate to say it, but I hate Beacon. Passionately. Even with Gogma quiet, it sucks. Oobleck was nice to listen to...for all of 5 minutes, and Port was entertaining for slightly longer. I hope Glynda Goodwitch's class is better.'

Argent sits in the stands, waiting for a turn, as Cardin gets into the ring.

"Alright, any challengers?! ooo, we got a new faunus in here? i challenge you, white-horns!"

Argent sighs, and uses [obeservation] on his brother.

{[Cardin Winchester, the secret Faunus lover

level 33


hp: 1,000

ap: 1,500

sp: 500


Coco Adel: 10000/10000 she keeps the holy bun safe, so she's cool. oh and she's one of his BFFs

Velvel Scarletina: 10000/10000 one of his BFFs, who likes to Coco.

Jaune Arc: 10000/10000 he only wishes Jaune balls'd up sooner, and didn't have to embarrass himself in front of his bros


Argent: 1000/10000 smol

'...what- know what, nevermind'

"Attempt to bend space and time, and move me through the gap to the arena"

Argent gasps a bit as his MP and DE drop to 0 and 100 respectively, before he composes himself, in the arena now. "the fuck- damn lil guy that was fast..."

Argent simply pulls out the Force Edge, keeping it in its sealed form for now. He points it in Cardin's direction. "Cardin. We meet at last. I wonder, how is your mom doing?" "Excuse me?!" "What, don't recognize me, little brother?"

Cardin blanks for a moment, before tearing up a bit, whispering. "You look like Nan did...I guess mom wasn't adopted by her, eh? well, let's get this started! Let's go, filth!" Argent blinks at his sudden change, and notices it is just Cardin putting up a front as Glynda yells "BEGIN!" Argent dashes forward, too fast for Cardin to react to, and sucker punches him in the gut, hitting Cardin with 2200 lbs of sheer, raw force. Cardin gets launched to the other side of the arena, coughing while Argent frowns. "This is...too easy. C'mon, brother, fight back!" Cardin coughs, and falls over as his aura shatters. Glynda yells again: "Match over, in favor of Argent!" Argent walks over to Cardin, and whispers "Be healed" Cardin's Aura regenerates rapidly, as he hoists Cardin to his feet. "Take care, brother." Cardin nods seriously, as they part and leave for the stands. Argent sits next to Jaune, who scoots away a bit, whimpering a bit "Y-you-you one hit him..." Argent only frowns deeper.

"Jaune, you're being ridiculous. so what if he one-punched Cardin? that's a good thing, our new teammate is strong." to my surprise, it is Lie Ren who defends me from Jaune's fear. Argent checks his Meters, and sighs as they have already rapidly regenerated.

{Health points: 14,790/14,790

{Devil Energy: 300/5,344,400

{Magic Points: 1,600,000/1,600,000+++

{Aura Points: 379,200/379,200

{Stamina Points: 14,790/14790

"Thank you, Lie, for saying that." Lie Ren looks at me, an odd look on his face. "Nobody calls me by my first name, because of what it is...Argent, I'm fine being called Ren, but to be called Lie... I...just...don't do it anymore, okay?"

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