Chapter 12 - A awkward bullhead ride

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" weather tonight." I break the silence in the bullhead that Weiss hired to take us all to Beacon. Yang's eye twitches, and Blake's ear flicks. Weiss exhales, and Ruby snores as she leans on Weiss. I laugh, and try to roll my shoulders, but am stopped by those annoying manacles they put on me.

"...tough crowd. you'd think we were enemies, based on this silence." Yang frowns and speaks "We are. you're a terrorist. a criminal and a thief. and a pedo-" "I am NOT." my stern glare is enough to make them shut up before I sigh. "I'm not. I didn't ask for this. I didn't want this. but it's what I'm stuck with."

A few minutes pass as the bullhead flies surprisingly slowly back to Beacon. "...sooooo, are you all okay? Are there any injuries besides bruised egos?" I smile as Yang glares at me, and Weiss scoffs. "You surrendered when we showed up." "Yes. the bruised ego I was referring to was my own, Princess." I let the silence stand, before I twitch, the spirits restless. "So. Are you girls interested in what a shade is?" None of them speak up, but eventually, Weiss scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Sounds like a mental illness." I snort and shake my head. "Souls and spirits are what a shade is. human souls are untouchable...but demon souls are not. I was forced to subsume 1,666 demon souls when I began to wander. It was not pleasant, even if I didn't fall to them as of yet, despite having absorbed 1,334 more."

{[Reputation lost with Weiss schnee. 0/10000. she believes you are delusional.]}

"Weiss, Do you want proof?" She frowns as she sticks her nose up, and I notice Ruby is not snoring anymore. I use Observation on her.

{[Ruby Rose, Red like Roses, Silver-eyed warrior]}

Level: 35


Weiss: 10000/10000 BFFs forever! She trusts Weiss with her life.

Yang: 9999/10000 sisters for life...literally. they have grown apart as of late.

Blake: 9000/10000 her sister's partner, and her teammate. She trusts her alot.

Ozpin: 7000/10000 She trusts him but is wary of him as well.

Argent: 1000/10000 She is really interested in what he has to show as 'proof' of his 'nature'.

"Ruby's awake." I watch as she opens her eyes, and pouts. "awww man, I wanted to listen in, but not be a part of the conversation..."

I laugh and smile at her. "So, want proof?" they all nod, and I bring my hands up. I am holding the scorched, partly molten manacles. "Fire." I flash freeze the manacles with a decent chunk of my DE, and then crush the frozen steel in my hands. "Ice." I watch Weiss scoff "Basic dust use with sleight of hand." I grin, and pull the Force edge out from behind my ear, only for Blake to speak up "Storage semblance." I frown and put it away, before finally giving in to the spirits, for but a moment, as my eyes bleed into a horrid red, and my hair is tainted grey. "And this?"

Yang speaks up this time "pseudo-semblance, like my eyes." I wrestle back control as my appearance returns to normal, and I grab my wrist, before slowly crushing my hand, and begin slowly tearing my hand mostly off, barely held on by a few stands of muscle, as Ruby screams. Oh, Shit, forgot about our connection- "OOOOOOOOWWWW! OW OW FUCK! OW!" I blink as RUBY, of all people, curses, sobbing as she holds her hand in agony. Yang's hands find my neck within a moment, her red eyes boring into mine. "WHAT DID YOU JUST DO, DEMON?!" I groan out a response, despite being choked. 

"Me and Ruby are the only two people in modern Remnant to have such a connection. our Auras are bound as one, to a degree. I feel her pain and emotions, and she feels mine. I cannot control it, and neither can she." I wince as Yang crushes my throat, before her eyes widen in horror as Ruby chokes and gasps in fear. "Sis!" Yang hugs Ruby, trying to comfort her sister. I whistle and catch their attention, and they watch as my wrist and throat heal rapidly, as I amp my healing with DE. "is that proof enough?" Yang nods solemnly, and Weiss looks at me with wide eyes. Blake just groans "an actual monster." I snort "I didn't ask for this. this is just the best option I had available. it was either this or being bound as a SLAVE to someone else." Blake's eyes soften, as do Weiss's eyes. Yang narrows hers, before ignoring me and focusing on Ruby, who looks at me with Pity. "Does it hurt? having that many souls...?"

"" I watch her gaze fall before she looks away. "oh." "I fear sleep. I no longer enjoy food or drink, nor can I meditate or watch a sunset or sunrise without wanting to kill something... I fear sleeping for that makes me vulnerable to the 3000 demon souls that exist within mine, and I fear a few will slip free and possess my sleeping body to do as they, forgive me ahead of time if I am not the most...stable person in existence."

They all nod "Emo, but obvious." Yang's voice is starting to get on my nerves, but at least she hasn't made any puns- "This is just a twisted, pedophile targeted fifty shades of gray!" She finger guns at me while giving me a death stare. Blake flat-out groans, and Ruby gags. "...No. just no. that was your worst one yet. Not even funny, and he's not a pedophile. give him a chance at least, Yang." I sigh, and lean back in my seat, ignoring the rapidly, suddenly forming argument between the members of the team, as Yang argues against me coming with them...

I slowly and dimly realize I'm falling asleep, as I close my eyes.

(Style of writing shifts from here on pout...the buildup is over, and the story truly begins now.)

Argent finds himself standing in a massive grey void. there is a darkness all around him, as he looks around. "This...isn't a dream...why does this feel like 3rd person?" His voice echoes in the void, as he walks, and eventually, things come into view. there are thousands of brightly colored beings in front of him, misshapen and demonic. the beings are wielding inhuman weapons, and they move and flicker and change so fast that they cannot be properly counted. they are attacking the darkness, and it shrinks back with each blow, black blood spraying out with each hit. the force edge forms in front of him, and he reaches for it. "The darkness... I don't know what it is...but I know what the demons are...evil. I choose to side... with the unknown."

With those words, he rushes forward, and swings on the closest demon. multicolored blood flies from the wound, and the demon fades. Argent cuts through demon after demon, until only 11 remain. 10 of them are the largest of the bunch, all blood red in color, but the last one is small and silver in color. Argent realizes the 10 aren't paying attention to him, as they beat the 11th demon. "OI! pick on someone your own size, assholes!" He charges forward, anger evident on his face, as he cuts into the largest one, and one of the others turns to look at him. "How?! YOU- You wield the devil sword sparda?! No! NO! NO!" Argent flips over an attack from the demon, and cuts it in half, grinning. "That I do. I'm finally feeling myself. Fuck this and fuck you all, demons. I have had enough of being controlled by being a shade. I will control my own fate, got it?" the remaining 8 surround Argent, but the silver demon simply stands as tall as it can, and Argent notices it looks like him, only made of that silver light. it holds the devil sword sparda, and nods to him. "we fight as one?" "Hell yeah, me." With that understanding, they both blur into action and quickly kill the last 8. The silver demon quickly absorbs the darkness, and it embraces Argent. "thank you. They will return, but for now...we can rest easy." "...thank you, but...what are you?" "I am the Urizen to your V. I am your other half. I am the dark to your light. never forget we are 2 halves of the same whole. the system cannot separate us now. Meta cannot do so either. I have always been here, even when you were human. I am your 'shadow self' in a way. now...sleep well Argent. when we awaken, we will be ourselves for however long it takes for the 3000 to reform."

With its...his reassurances, Argent falls into a calm and peaceful, if dreamless, sleep.

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