Chapter 11 - between front and back, or Vale isn't safe... for everyone else

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I watch as Blake shakily picks up her sword, and holds it with shaky hands as I circle her, my mind filled with bloodlust. I feint a move, making her flinch and squint her eyes in fear. "tsk. don't be a coward, Blake." I watch as Roman gets up, and runs away as the bullhead flies away with him and the dust in tow. "Come now, Blake! Show me the skill of Adam's protege!" I blink as she snarls "Very well, Asshole." I watch as her ears flick flat against her head, as she gets into a distantly familiar pose, and lunges. I smile as I realize she is almost as fast as I am.


{[Blake Belladonna, the black beast of shadows]}

Level: 25

feelings: anger, upset, fear, horror


Adam Taurus: -1000/10000 she hates his views, and dislikes him now, for making another monster. she believe he cannot change and is unredeemable

Argent Argent: -10000/10000 She thinks you're a predestined pedophile and creep for being Ruby's soulmate, and that you're a monster

"well, thats...insulting...give it your all, BELLADONNA!" I sprint at her, and feing a stab, swinging Force Edge upwards, catching her off guard as I throw her into the air. SHe makes a midair recovery, and begins to keep distance between us, shifting Gambol into a pistol, and firing at me, hitting me with her entire clip.

{HP: 4,000/4,000

{DE: 200,000/204,800

{AP: 75,000/152,000

{SP: 3,900/4,000

"...Tell me that wasn't your only-" I blink as I get whacked from behind, and turn to see another Blake...fuck, forgot she had clones. the clone unloads her clip into me, and I manage to dodge a few

{HP: 4,000/4,000

{DE: 200,000/204,800


{SP: 3,900/4,000

I kick the clone in the knee, breaking it and dispelling her clone. I watch her slap Sun HARD, waking him up. " balls still hurt..." "Blake, he has no aura lef-" "Sun, get Ruby out of here."

I laugh as he does just that, and I blitz over to him, grabbing him by the base of his tail, and whisper in his ear.

"hurt her and I kill not only you, but your entire goddamn team." I let him go and turn back to the furious Blake. "SO...Blake..." I grin at her, as I hold my sword in both hands, letting my aura flow through it. "Do you wanna know why the White fang is doing all this?" Her eyes widen a bit, and her ears perk right up, as she moves her head like a cautious cat in a new place. "...I'm listening." "You're all ears?" I grin as she snorts and fights a grin. "I suppose I am.

"So, to make a long story short: those humans who threatened Adam came back. I beat their asses and even styled on the boss bitch. then they came back again, and took us off guard. she melted Adam's mask off and nearly melted my wrist...she's also got a few other allies that are skilled enough to easily slaughter her way through the vale branch of the Fang if we don't go along with her plans. Its less about us, and more about our comrades, you see. She's also kinda bit-" I duck suddenly, as a golden flame passes over me, and sidestep a white blur. "You clever bitches, you got me monolouging! Very good!" I clap, relaxed as I observe the newcomers.

{{Yang Xiao Long, yellow beauty that burns gold]}

{[Weiss Schnee, the royal test burdened snowflake]}

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