Chapter 6 - Memories

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The first thing that makes me aware that I'm not awake is the fact I'm in a random place and have no clue where I am. oh, and the fact that I'm seeing everything in 3rd person helps. I watch my body wake up, and walk outside its room. I see many faunus, and recognition dawns on me, as memories flow into my mind. turns out this body of mine HAD a former owner or self. I watch as I greet my friends, in the barracks, and I watch as I put on a hard hat and pick up a jackhammer. As it also turns out...this body was a slave. I was given away to the SDC by the Winchesters. It turns out having twins is good unless one is a faunus somehow. still, why am i even seeing this-

"Because you need a reason. you need to know. I show you yourself, so you awaken in part. awaken. wake up Argent, your time has come."

...That's not [Meta] that [zwei]?...

"wake up, boy." I feel a splash of frigid water, as I snap awake. staring me in the eyes is a VERY livid-looking Adam Taurus. I try to jump up and away from him, but am held in place. I look down, only to see I am bound by thick ropes.

"...goood morning? is it morning? it feels like morning to me-" "Shut up! who are you? why did you come into our camp?"

I blink and tilt my head a bit, and decide to play to Adam's past. "...that wasn't my intention. I was trying to get away from a human who was taking me somewhere. I-i don't wanna be a slave again so...I ran. I didn't watch where I was going and..." I stop talking as Adam sighs, his shoulders stiff with stress and upset. when did I get so good at discerning emotions from body language? did I level up a skill I had, or something?

"Your name?" Now it's my turn to sigh, as I hang my head. "Argent Winchester Argent. son of council advisor and lord Winchester, and his wife. And as you can see, I'm a faunus to boot."

I hear Adam snickering, shaking his head. "I've heard kids lie better than that. the Winchesters are humans and racist ones at that." I snarl "My mother's mother was a faunus. it skipped her, and went to me." I wince as he puts his hand on my shoulder "Do. not. lie. to. me. do you understand? I have had quite the week already, and I do not appreciate being made a fool.-"

"It's the truth! I'm a Winchester and an Argent!" The second name makes Adam stop for a moment, as he looks closer, before snorting. "Should've known by the look of you...scales and horns...only an Argent like her would have 2 traits... my...apologies, boy."

I blink as he unsheathes his sword, the crimson blade pulling free from its black scabbard, before it comes flying toward me. I clench my eyes closed, and after a moment, i feel the ropes around my slacken and fall off. I open my eyes to see Adam sheathing Wilt, and a small smirk forms on his face. "Did you think I was going to kill you, Argent? I may be a monster, but I'm not evil." I get out of the chair, as Adam gestures for me to follow him. "I should have known you were the son of Maria Argent. forgive me for being so...unwelcoming as a host. Tell me, Argent, do you want to join us? to Join the white fang? to fight for the rights of Faunus everywhere?"

Before I can respond, the system gives me a update

{[Quest reward 1 given. curse break- error. META refuses to allow curse to be broken. beneficial curse change initiated. User's soul has been restored to its original state. Ruby Rose is once again User's soulmate. Error, admin changes denied. META cannot interfere with quest rewards when initiated. Changing user's curse...changing...done. Curse 'if it can go wrong, it most likely will go wrong, unlucky dove' has been changed to 'We are One, and We are Many. We are Legion.'. The user is now a shade, from the inheritance cycle (christopher paolini). User's race will not change, but be altered. Others will not notice or be aware of the change. User's name will not change. all the souls and spirits of User will become 'one' with User's main soul. Spinning to see how many are fused...done. 1,666 spirits/souls have been subsumed. (from now on, any thoughts that are underlined are said by the combined inner shade).]}

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