Chapter 15 - Knight's awakening and Cardin isn't as relevant as you'd think

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Argent wakes to the gentle singing of Gogma, surprising him with gentle arias, until Argent cuts the connection, blocking Gogma from his mind for a while, as he gets up, and notices a Beacon uniform set out for him. Argent puts it on, using a few simple words to clean himself, before pausing. since when could he just...?

{[skill: ancient language: max. you have been gifted all knowledge of Christopher Paolini's ancient language, except for the NAME OF NAMES. Use of this language for magic burns through Mp and De, or Ap, Sp and Hp if DE runs out, somehow...]}

'well, thats convienient.


Argent fixes his clothes, nervously, as he waits for Ozpin to call him to the office-


"MY FUCKING EARS DAMN-" Argent stumbles out of his room, and bumps head-first into a tall boy with blond hair, stumbling over him, and onto him as they both fall over. Argent quickly gets up, and offers the boy a hand. "Usually It takes a while for me to fall for someone, much less over and into them. You alright?" The boy takes his hand and stands up, towering over Argent. Argent frowns, and sighs. "I hate being short." Argent then notices the other 3 people. " JNPR?" they nod, and the blonde rubs his neck "My Name's Jaune. This is my partner-" he gestures to a stunningly gorgeous red-haired girl who waves, her emerald eyes glimmering in rhe hallway lights "hello!" "-Pyrrha. This is my brother in arms, Lie Ren" he gestures to a frowning, almost scowling black-haired, pink-highlight, pink-eyed boy. "...hi." His tone is flat and judgmental. An orange-haired girl jumps up, nearly bouncing with energy "IM NORA! IM WITH RENNY! Not...with-him but his partner and we're together- not like together-together know what I meeeaaan!" She pokes his nose. "boop"

"...So, a tall prettyboy, a kind warrior, a fucking mistrali ninja, and an energetic gal...great. I'm Argent. Argent Winchester Argent. Nice to meet yall."  Argent holds his hand out for a handshake, which both Jaune and Pyrrha give, but Ren nearly snarls and turns away. "likewise, An-i mean, Argent...ugh, why is it so hard to unlearn..." Argent frowns, but then gives him a gentle smile. "at least you're trying. That's better than most Mistral assholes." Nora simply pokes his nose again, uttering another Boop, as they begin to walk together. they arrive at the elevator, and the team stands apart from him in it until they reach the top floor.

The doors open and we all walk in, and Ozpin speaks before we can. "Team JNPR. It has come to my attention my sister survived the mines of Mistral, and had a daughter, who has had a son. That son Is Argent, who's condition requires special care, which only Beacon can provide. He is going to be added to your team. Team JNPR is now Team JNAPR." Ozpin's tone is stern and commanding, as he then speaks again. "An additional bed has been placed in your room, should Argent decide to move into your dorm, and not stay in that spare room he has been assigned. That is all, Dismissed." Jaune attempts to speak up, but Ozpin cuts him off "but-" "no buts, or questions about his placement. Any concerns?" This time Ren speaks up "sir, I don't know if I feel...comfortable with someone new being added in-" "Mr.Ren, i sure hope your upbringing is not part of this issue, and if it IS, then I suggest learning to let go of toxic beliefs." "...yes sir..." Argent sees Ren glower, before nodding and sighing. "yes sir. its just...He's so small, he cant be older than 15. He's shorter than Ruby and Weiss!" 'Wait, I am?' Argent thinks back to when he was nearly impaled by Weiss, and recalls he was also shorter than Ruby, though he didn't notice back then. "...I'm short...thats your issue with me?! I'll have you know, I'm 17, and all 4'10 of me is pure power!" Argent's face goes blank as not just Jaune, but also Ozpin, Nora, Pyrrha, and Lie Ren burst out laughing. "...I'm serious. I'm 17." Ozpin manages to stop laughing. "Indeed he is- snk- but he is also my Nephew, and I, along with team RWBY, can vouch for his strength, which has only grown since his arrival. He could easily kill me, if he wanted." Those words sober everyone up, as Argent sighs. "I don't wanna. simple as that." 'Observation'

{[Ozpin Ozpin, the Wizard.

lv: ???

Relationship: uncle, mentor.


Ruby Rose: 10000/10000 he hopes to keep her from having her mother's fate.

Argent Argent: 10000/10000 he already loves his nephew like a son, and sees the hope of humanity and faunuskind in him, even if he is short and girly

{[Jaune Arc, the yellow death

level 10


Weiss Schnee: 5000/10000 he is infatuated, and genuinely crushes on her

Pyrrha Nikos: 9000/10000 he likes her more than weiss, but dosn't want to ruin his friendship with her, so he avoids his feelings

Nora Valkyrie: 5000/10000 she's like the chaotic little sister's he had back home

Lie Ren: 10000/10000 he respects Lie Ren and would take a blow for his bro

Argent: 1/10000 a stranger, a faunus, and the headmaster's cute nephew...flirted with him earlier???? wierdo...

{[Nora Valkyrie

level 29


Lie ren: 10000/10000 she loves him more than she loves life and pancakes

Pyrrha Nikos: 4000/10000 a potential rival, and a good friend

Jaune arc: 7000/10000 feeeeeaaaarrrrleeeessssss leader!

Argent: 100/10000 short femboy who seems to like boys too?  rival alert! he's short tho, like her, so its cool.

{[Pyrrha Nikos

level 30


Jaune arc: 10000/10000 she really likes him, and yearns for his affections, but is too scared to ruin their friendship

Lie Ren: 5000/10000 a good friend

Nora Valkyrie: 10000/10000 shes a good friend who dosn't hesitate to call her out on things

Argent: -10/10000 a femboy who decided to flirt with her crush.

{{Lie Ren

level 29


Jaune arc: 9000/10000 a brother from another mother, father, and creed

Nora Valkyrie: 10000/10000 he loves her so much it hurts

Pyrrha Nikos: 9000/10000 a trusted partner, almost a sister

Argent: 1000/10000 a fellow slim person, even if a faunus, is always welcome around Beacon. even if he is short and has a girly face.

...'i have a girly face? i don't, right?'

(an: you don't really, but its like the charmingly feminine androgynous type of face tho. ima have to make you use a mirror)

'...oh boy.'

"...Dismissed." they all walk back into the elevator, as Argent sulks. Jaune, being the good boi he is, notices. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Argent's tone is flat, as he decides to tell a portion of the truth. "I can tell what a person's first impressions of me are, due to my condition. I swear on all the things on Remnant that are holy, if any of you so much as UTTER the word 'femboy' within 300 feet of me I will punt you through the nearest wall."

Jaune smiles awkwardly, Pyrrha scowls, Ren flushes, and Nora cackles in delight. "You can read minds?!" "no, just first impressions...also, do we have classes today?"

End of chapter

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