panic attack -sy

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I was in bed, knocked out after a long day. Through my sleep, I heard my phone ring. "Hello?" I said in a groggy voice. "I need you." I hear a shaky voice on the other line.

I look at the caller ID and see it's my girlfriend. I sat up in my bed wiping the sleep out of my eyes. "Hey baby, where are you?" I said fully alert now. "I'm at home. But I feel like I'm having a panic attack." She sounded like she was crying.

"It's okay baby. I'm on my way. Just breathe in through your nose and out your mouth." I try to calm her. I got out of my bed and put on some grey sweats and a hoodie that she got me. I put on my shoes, got my keys and ran to car while still on the phone to her. As I'm speeding to her house, I hear her trying to level out her breathing.

I hop out my car and run to her house, almost pounding on the door. Her mum (a/n: I'm from England so we say mum not mom) opened the door for me. "Hey momma. Where is she?" I called her momma cause she's like my 2nd mum and I'm always at her house. "She's upstairs. You need to see her right now." I run up the stairs and into her room.

I see her on her bed. Shaking as she tries to slow down her breathing. "Hey mama, I'm right here. Come here." I say to her as I sit next to her on the bed. She practically jumps onto my lap. I rub circles on her back. "Baby talk to me. What happened?" I tried to soothe her as best I could. "I had that dream again."

Long story short, she got physically and sexually assaulted by her dad when she was younger but he got locked up. Ever since he got out of jail she got flashbacks about it every once in a while. "It's alright mama. He can't get you if I'm here. I'll beat his ass if he comes anywhere near you."

I read somewhere that if you hold your breath, it can make you focus on your breathing so I pulled her into a kiss. She kissed back quickly and her breathing slowly evened out.

"I got you ma. I'd never let anyone hurt you." I say almost in a whisper. "I love you so much baby." "I love you too mama."

a/n: I feel like everytime I finish a story it's always fluff😭😭

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