|•CHAPTER 106•| ✔️

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After experiencing the longest 10 minutes in his entire life! Dev saw his girl walk out of the airport looking like a fresh breath in autumn

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After experiencing the longest 10 minutes in his entire life! Dev saw his girl walk out of the airport looking like a fresh breath in autumn.

 Her curls were perfectly on her shoulders and she turned around in search of him! Her skirt twirled around her making him smile a 1000 times more brighter cause damn, it was a sight to watch

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Her curls were perfectly on her shoulders and she turned around in search of him! Her skirt twirled around her making him smile a 1000 times more brighter cause damn, it was a sight to watch.

He raised his hands, ducked his neck and continued waving when Riya noticed him and ran towards him jumping into his arms.

"Finally," he said kissing the top of her head

"I am hungry!" She whispered pouting

"Acha acha! I know it already! Now shall we leave? " he asked and she nodded

Riya sent her bags to her parent's home and hopped into Dev's car.

The car was filled with stories about the things each other missed out.

Later when Dev and Riya reached to his studio! Riya looked at the interior and smiled.

"You did a great job in building this I must say," Riya said and sat as she took slow spoons of the yummy biryani to her mouth.

She looked around finding her favourite plants all around, while they looked healthy
She smiled knowing he remembered her favourite things and dreamt of having them on the studio balcony.

She smiled as she finished her food and watched him pick up his favourite guitar. She sat stunned in her place as she witnessed him singing so softly after years.

His deep velvety voice is doing something to her! Body hairs rising in goosebumps witnessing the most beautiful man ever to exit standing a foot away from her, with his guitar in his hands.
Riya had no idea about the song and the lyrics! Oh but that voice.

"Close your eyes, Riya, and feel the music. "He Whispered his voice husky with emotion

Riya obeyed. her eyelids fluttering shut as she surrenders herself to the enchanting music. In Those 10 minutes of music, Riya would have lived the most precious and happiest moment of her life all over once again.

Her singing got recognition, her girls, dev, Paris, music classes everything around felt so happy and she felt grateful.

Unable to resist any longer, Riya reached out to Dev her trembling fingers finding Dev's as they intertwined.

With a soft smile, Dev leans in, his lips brushing against Riya's in a gentle kiss that creates a spark between them. In that electrifying moment, Riya did not even notice that the music stopped and it was just her heartbeat that echoed in her brain.

"Do you wish something?" He asked still giving peaks to her lips softly, while she nodded slightly

"I wanna go see Osi! our university the place I meet you" she asked and he nodded

"The boys and I were planning to sneak in at night last week! Not that we have never done that but with you I think it's gone be a little more fun. Grab your scarf let's go" the dev said

A few minutes later! Here in the back gate Dev helped Riya jump up the wall while he followed her next.

Both of them landed straight on the wet grass and laughed like crazy people but never mind years had passed, and the interior of the college had changed oh but the vibe and memories.

Dev held her hand and dragged her to the open stage made her stand in a place and ran to the stairs of the stage

"This is how and where I saw you for the first time! You came in search of me like a good little girl who had lost her way back home" Dev said

"Indeed! I did find my way back home thanks to you" Riya smiled and Dev could not help but show off the redness in his cheeks.

Oh, when a guy blushes!

Riya walked to Dev and sat next to him on the stage stairs

"Thanks for bringing me here!" She said as she leaned on his arms

"For you, I'd steal the stars," he said kissing her head while her hands held his and slowly she started stroky thumb down the side of his hand making him melt like snow in the sun.

A few minutes passed with them talking, Riya went on and on about the memories she had with her girls on the campus while Dev said his story but stopped in the middle of it.

Dev softly laid his head on her lap took her hands kept them in his hair and continued talking. Riya smiled at that

She traced his jawline as he spoke, her heart fluttering as a small smile graced his lips. She felt as if she could live in that moment forever; the moment between her finger brushing his skin and the smile appearing. It was soft and simple, but it felt like everything.

It felt so perfect! She felt herself slowly coming out from the things she always wanted to heal.

Dev smiled at her and the way her fingers ran through his hair. It felt like a calm breeze after a huge storm. The war was  finally over and that's how it felt to him when he lay there in her lap but deep down he knew and felt somewhat or somewhere someone had to show up and give an explanation or get an answer before their chapter ended in their life

Thinking of the devil and there...Breaking down their thoughts, Dev and Riya noticed Something or maybe someone familiar caught their eyes! For a moment they both wished it us the old security guard! But that white hoodie, black pants and the chain and ring on his neck said who he was.

Riya felt her eyes go wide! Why? Why now? Why when she think life is good again? Why her?

Why now did Sameer come back?




Instagram id: __riii.writes__
(I drop spoilers, outfits and edits of the story do check my page out.)



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