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"That was really something."

I turn to a guy looking to be in his early twenties. "We haven't had a volunteer before. How noble of you to save your brother." He says with a smile. I roll my eyes and turn away from him. "Too bad you only got three minutes with him. They should really make the goodbye longer." I zone him out. The goodbye.




I wait in a room for my family. A sobbing Matthew busts through the door and hugs my waist as he sinks to his knees. I feel tears brim my eyes. I make him stand as I hug him. Brock and my parents walk in next. Brock tries to keep it together, failing as tears slip down his face. I've never seen him cry before, not even when peacemakers hung grandma and his girlfriend for treason.

Brock hugs me, putting Matt in between us. "Damn it, I wish it were me." He whispers in my ear. I smile. "I know." I reply quietly. Brock manages to get Matt off me as he separates himself. My parents come in for the hug next. They let go after a few moments. "You were always planning this if it happened, weren't you?" Mom asks. I smile.

She can't manage to show one back. My dad cups my cheeks. "No matter what happens, no matter what you have to do to make it out of that damn death ring, do it. I don't care how much blood you spill, you are my boy, nothing's ever gonna change that. If you know you won't make it at any point, make sure they know who you are. Make sure you give them something to remember. Give 'em hell my boy." I nod as I manage to hold my tears back.

He nods back. Peacemakers come in and tell them times up. "Here. Keep this with you." My dad hands me a neckless that hangs down to my chest. It's chained with a piece of a small deer's antler on it. "It's from our first hunting trip," He say quickly. I can't say anything as they are dragged out of the room.



"Hello? Earth to Dalton?"

I am pulled from my day dream as a hand waves in front of my face. "Oh good, your still alive." Says my new mentor. I swat his hand and stand up, he towers over me by about 3 feet. "What were you thinkin' about?" He asks. I ignore him and turn to go to my assigned room. "Not even going to ask my name? How rude." He says with an etched in smirk.

I sigh and turn to face him. "What's your name then, mentor?" I ask to amuse him and to shut him up. He smiles triumphally. "It's Wilder. How don't you know your districts past victor?" I glare at him as hard as I can. "Maybe because I don't care to know." I spit. He looks genuinely surprised...maybe even a little hurt. I sigh and turn my head.

"I was thirteen when you won your hell...well not really won...I was too scared to I squeezed my eyes shut and tried not to burst into tears." I mumble. "I knew your name...Wilder...I was just too damn stuck in my own head that I couldn't bring myself to say it." I end it there and walk to my assigned room and shut the door.

I don't like hurting people...I guess this game will have to pull it out of me...or I'll die.

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