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I haven't spoken to anyone since Wilder last night.

I have been shut up in this damned room, too scared to even think straight. I've been brought food and the announcer lady, Louisa, has tried to pull me out of here...but I just can't. If I step out of this room, it'll hit me that I'm here, and I might break.

There's a knock on the door. "Dalton, you have to come out, we are nearing the Capitol and I don't want to call peacemakers to drag you out." Louisa says. I guess I don't have a choice. I wait for Louisa to leave and once I hear her walk away, I suck it up and open the door. I walk out into the hallway and into the sitting area.

I hear a gasp from Louisa as she lays eyes on me. I guess she expected me to stay in there. "Look who decided to join us." Says Bee, my partner. She's acting completely different then how I originally thought she would. She's more bratty then I intended. Wilder smiles and stands from his spot on the couch beside Bee.

He comes over to me and grabs my arm. He leads me into another room, not saying a word to anyone. He closes the door behind us once we enter the room. "Please, sit." He says. I do as told. He leans against a nearby wall as I sit on a couch. There are a few moments of silence. "So, what's this about?" I ask.

"Well, I've talked with Bee already, I figured I'd talk to you now that you've emerged from our hole." He says with a smirk. I muster an unimpressed look. "About?" I ask. "Your strategy for the game. Your skills and your strengths." He says. I nod. "Okay. I'm good at using knives, doesn't matter how, I can take anyone down in hand-to-hand combat, I know what's poisonous and what's not...and I can herd cattle." I finish.

He smiles at the last part. "I'm not sure if you'll have to use that last one or not." He says. He stands from the wall and sits beside me. "For the looks like Bee won't be an ally. I wouldn't suggest alliancing with anyone. Another thing, keep your skills as hidden as possible to not attract attention." He says.

I listen to his advice, not saying a word. "Anything to add?" He asks. I think for a moment. "Every year they have a big stash of stuff for the tributes to snag right off the bat...if I remember right, you grabbed a random bag and made a break for it. Is that what I should do?" I ask. He smiles. "I thought you didn't watch my game." He comments.

"Bits and pieces. I latched on to watching you because of our district and...and Falcon didn't really..." I trail off not wanting to bring up something sensitive. "Yeah, killed right off. It was the girl from 5 if I still remember right." He says nonchalantly. I nod, not really knowing how to take  easiness of his words. Silence again. "Anyway. Yes, I would suggest grabbing what you can and running for it."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but we have arrived." Louisa remarks, poking her head through the door. I feel my body tense as I stand. I feel my heart speed up and my hands start to shake. I put on my best poker face. Louisa walks away. There's a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down. It'll be fine. You have a shot at winning this. I know it." Wilder says with a smile. I return one the best I can.

He grabs my arm gently and leads me to where Bee and Louisa are waiting. We stand side by side and wait for the doors to open. Mere moments later, they do and we are urged to walk forward toward a crowd of people. The people wave and cheer, making my ear drums want to burst. 

"Welcome to the Capitol." Louisa says happily as we continue on our walk. I see Wilder roll his eyes but keep with the poker face.

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