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I am escorted behind a stage along with the other tributes.

One by one, a tribute is called, beginning with District one's male tribute, Snow, and then continuing with his female partner, Octavia. After going through the other tributes, I am called. "Go out there and give them a show." Wilder says. I don't acknowledge his comment. I turn and walk up the stairs.

"Your District 10 male tribute, Dalton Jacobs!" Caesar Flickerman. I've always hated his voice. "Hello, Caesar. I must say, I'm a fan." I smile. I take a seat in the chair across from him. "Flattery works, Dalton, flattery works." He comments happily. The crowd chuckles.

I smile. I know, you small minded mouthpiece. "Now, Dalton. You volunteered for your brother. Tell me about it." He fakes a sad and knowing look. There are collective "Aww's," and pitied faces from the crowd. "Yes, I did. I just couldn't let him go into these games, I wouldn't be able to live with myself." I comment with a fake sad expression.

"How noble of you. I don't think I would have had your courage. You are the very first district 10 tribute after all." He smiles. "I don't know, Caesar. I think you would have had double my courage easily." I comment. He grins from ear to ear. No you wouldn't have, you would have let whoever it was die before you said a word.

"So how are you finding your time in the Capitol?" He asks. "Well, it is very different." I comment. "Different how? Give us an example." He says with fake curiosity. "Well, the clothes are kind of weird." I say. "Our clothes are weird. Weird how?" He continues laughing. The crowd joins in on the laughter. I smile. "They're very itchy." I smile. Idiots.

"They're itchy. Well, there you have it folks, our clothes are itchy!" He makes a mockery of the comment. They're clothes are made from materials rich enough to feed half a district. "Now, I have just one more question. Are there any ladies at home?" He asks. 

"Uh, no. No one." I say. "Oh, common, there has to be someone. Tell me." He says. "Uh, well, I guess there is someone, but it's not a woman." I say, revealing myself on national television. "Oh? A young man then?" He asks scooting a little closer as the crowd waits in anticipation. "Yes, but I am pretty confident it is a one sided interest." I smile. Eat it up, and spread the word.

"Listen, if you win this thing, he'd have to go on a date with you." Caesar encourages. "I suppose your right." I say. Like hell. They would steer even further away. "There you go, head up high, sport!" He says. We stand. "There you have it! Dalton Jacobs!" He says and throws my arm up in the air along with his. I walk off the stage just as Bee walks on. 

"Disgusting." She says as I walk by. I ignore the comment and meet Louisa, Haran, and Wilder. "You were absolutely incredible! Just amazing!" Louisa says happily with a smile on her face. I smile back. "Thanks." I reply. I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Good job. You did very well." Wilder says. I nod. "Thanks." I repeat.

After a while Bee comes back. "Good job, my girl!" Louisa says. Bee rolls her eyes. Wilder says nothing to her as she walks over to me. "Are you really gay?" She asks. "Yes." I simply reply with a bored expression. "Your revolting! That is disgusting!" She screams in my face. She attempts to hit me, but Wilder grabs her hand and glares at her.

"Are you saying the same about me then?" He says. I feel my eyes bulge out of my head. He's gay!? Since when!? "If it's true then yes! I am!" She shrieks. "And what about this boy? Is there really another one?" She asks. "No. I made that part up. But it really isn't any of your business, one way, or the other." I reply.

After we are separated from one another, Louisa walks Bee back to her quarters, and Wilder walks me back to mine. "Are you alright?" He ends up asking. I look at him like he's completely stupid. "You caught her arm." I reply. "Yes, your right." He laughs remembering. "Thanks for that, by the way." I say "Not a problem at all." He replies.

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