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"I don't care what you say! I'm done!"

I can't believe they just threw us into this shit! Wilder and Louisa gave no warning whatsoever! Why do we need to be waxed and poked and prodded in so many places!? I shove a woman off me that was just cutting and painting my nails. I get off the table and try to walk away.

I am grabbed and thrown back on the table. I sit there and snap my gaze to who threw me. I am met with the disinterested eyes of a peacemaker. "The boys are always the most difficult." Commented one of the men that was waxing my arms earlier.

How the hell would you feel if someone started violating you in all these ways!? How do these people not have bruises and marks from tributes knocking the hell out of them? I let them hurry up and finish with their endless prodding.

After what seems like forever, they finally finish. I am escorted to another room where I wait until a woman with big blue hair walks in. "Hello, dear. My name is Haran, I will be in charge of your wardrobe during your time here." She says in a sweet voice.

"Okay? Is this for the chariot ride?" I ask remembering from tv. "Yes. You pay attention, good." She says with a complimenting smile. I sit and look at her, pondering.

"Let's get this show on the road. I have your outfit and makeup ready to go." I sigh. She smiles knowingly. "Just stand up and wait for a moment." She says before walking away and over to a corner with a curtain covering it.

She reaches behind and pulls out the most beautiful outfit I have ever seen. A solid black shirt golden stitching that is shaped into flowers. The stitching travels up and stops at the collar of the shirt. There is a styled gap in the top, part of my back showing and a little of my stomach. It is matched with a pair of black pants with the same stitching.

"By the expression on your face, I can tell you love it just as much as I do." Haran comments bringing me back to attention. She lays the outfit on the table I was sitting on earlier and places some black shoes on the floor.

"I will step outside, call me back in when you have finished." She says before turning and walking out. I can't help but think of the possible escape I could try. That idea almost immediately exiting my thoughts on the thought of being killed even before the games begin.

I sigh heavily before putting the outfit on. I walk over to the door and let Haran know she can enter. She does so, but not without a few compliments. "You an your partner are more than ready now. Just follow me and we can get your makeup done and get you on that chariot." She says happily.

I obey and the stylists fix me up, the main theme being black and gold. I then follow Haran to meet Wilder, Louisa and Bee by the chariot. Bee is wearing the dress version of my outfit. "Oh, you two look absolutely stunning!" Louisa flaunts. I zone her out and find myself observing the surrounding tributes.

I meet the gaze of several other tributes as they inspect me as well. I am pulled from my examination by Wilder. "You look wonderful, but I thought you looked better before all this...fog." He comments with a smile. "Thanks. I'd of preferred to have not been taken apart and put back together with sparkle added, but, you know." He laughs.

"Why do you think they were so rough? I was the one they had before." He grins triumphantly. "A peacemaker had to shove me down or I would've walked right out." I nudge back. He gets serious again. "They hurt you?" He asks genuinely concerned.

"No, I'm fine. But they made a comment directed at you I believe." I reply. He lets go of a breath. Was he really that concerned? He better get tougher skin, I'm a tribute for fucks sake. "What was that?" He asks, masking his true expression with a playful grin. I ignore it and press on. "The boys are always the most difficult." I say.

Before he can respond, I am told to get on the chariot with Bee. We both get up on it and wait for the horses to pull us. After a little of a wait, we are pulled through thousands of Capitol people. "District 10. Dalton Jacobs and Bee Harlow!" An announcer speaks. We pretend and play our part. We wave and smile. 

We eventually come to a stop in front of Snow and he gives a speech. I zone out of it, knowing his usual stick. We are pulled away and let off the chariot. We are greeted by our mentor and escort. "You both did amazing! Very well done!" Again, Louisa drags on. "Very well done you two. With acting like that, you are sure to get donations." Wilder comments.

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