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I get up early like the last two days to eat breakfast.

I expected to be alone, but this time, Wilder's up. He is sitting at the table with a steaming cup that I assume to be coffee. I walk over to him and grab a warm muffin from a plate. I take a bite to find out it's chocolate chip. "What are you doing up so early?" I ask. "Couldn't sleep much. You?" He replies. "You know why I'm up." I say. I take another bite of my muffin.

"Yes, I do." He says. "How much have you gotten done?" He asks. "Umm...I've gotten to knives, bow and arrows, tridents and spears, study of poisonous plants, animals, and foods, rock climbing, combat, and I plan on doing the fire station, weights, and camouflage today." I explain. "So you've covered almost everything?" He asks a little stunned. "Just about." I reply, taking the final bite out of my muffin.

"Your making use of your training time. That's really good." He says. "Yes," I reply simply. We sit in silence for a while before he says something. "Why are you avoiding everyone?" He asks. I press my lips together and don't answer for a while. I stand after a few moments. "I need to get going. I have a lot to do today." I say. "Your avoiding the question." He replies. I shrug. I walk to the door and open it. I pause. 

"I don't want anyone to cry when I'm dead. Not you, not Louisa, not Haran, not my brothers, and not my parents. No one." I say. "It's too late for that. And you won't die. You'll win. I know you will." He says. I can't say anything at his comment. I shut the door and make my way to the training center. Once I arrive, I head straight to the fire station, ignoring everyone already down here. Which consisted of half of the other tributes. 

I learn to make a fire, and then repeat it three more times. I then move to camouflaging and someone helps me learn to bled into my surroundings. I practice that until lunch, but I decide to skip it, not having an appetite. I move onto weights, now being the only one in here. I practice different exercises and throwing heavy rocks and moving heavy objects. I soon move back to the knives station and I start to redo every station until I am satisfied.

A hand is pressed to my should, making me jump slightly. I turn to see Dove, district 6's tribute. "I'm sorry to have startled you, but I was wondering if we could be ally's?" She asks. I glance at her but then turn away. "Go ask Sea." I reply. She hovers for a moment longer before I assume wondering off to him. I couldn't care less honestly, but it wasn't going to be my decision. 

I go around once again to all the stations, having time to. We are then called to have our private interviews. Everyone makes their ways to the waiting area, Snow, district one male being called in first. I wait lazily as each tribute is called one by one. My turn arrives after what seems like hours. I walk into the room were the gamemakers wait above in a room. "Dalton Jacobs, district 10." I state lazily. 

I walk over to the knives and throw. I easily hit the targets and then walk out. All of this is honestly just a complete bore. I could care less about my score, it would help with sponsors, but it would also put a target on my back. I make my way back to my quarters to await the results. I flop down on the couch and decide to pull up some replays. I watch Mags' games, and honestly I felt myself tear up at seeing such a lovely woman hurt.

I then remember the letter she gave me. I turn the tv off and head to my room. I grab the letter that I left on my desk. I open it up as I sit on the bed and look over it. 

Dear Dalton,

       You may be wondering why I wrote you this, well, it's because you are allying with Sea. I know this might be asking a lot, but please help him as much as you can, he has become like a son to me and I can not bear to see him die. He may find a way to become the victor of these bloodbaths, but there is never a guarantee. Even when you become a victor of the games, you never really win. If you manage to be the victor, you will understand what I mean. I cannot in good conscious tell you all the horrors that take place, but please, not just for your sake, but for your loved ones, be careful with what you do and who you mess with, especially around Cornelius Snow. I have grown to care for you, even though I have only known you for a few minutes. I can tell you are a bright, kind, strong, and courageous young man that will perceiver through anything that comes your way. Be strong, and give them hell. I will not hold any ill feelings toward you if you have to be the one to kill Sea, the same goes for him. Do what you need to for survival, and be careful, be very careful.

                                                                                 Love,                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mags

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