part 18: whos the cheater now.

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We all change and get in the cats ass. we all drink a couple beers but not too many.

"I have a game, never have I ever." Sarah says, I look over at her and laugh. "like put a finger down type shit?"

Everyone starts laughing and John b says, "No, not the way we play. we do dirty never have I ever and if you have you drink."

I don't push anymore by asking questions because John b might not let me play so I just grab my beer and get ready.

"I'll go first." Kie says, "never have I ever," she thinks for a second and then smiles, "hooked up with someone."

We all drink and I decide to go next. "ok, never have I ever cheated." Sarah and John b drink.

Sarah looks at me and waves her hand at me, "not on John b, topper my ex." John b throws his arm over Sarah and kisses her cheek.

Pope looks over everyone and speaks, "never have I ever kissed someone in outer banks."

I watch everyone drink and I drink without thinking. I look over at JJ and hes drinking so I get nervous.

John b doesn't notice but everyone else did, Sarah decides to make things hell and go next.

"never have I ever hooked up with anyone in outer banks." I drink quickly finishing my drink and I realize that everyone is starring at me.

My brother included. John b stands up and grabs my arm, pulling me out of the hot tub. "Who the fuck did you hook up with?"

I look away quickly and answer him, "No one." "You drank, that means you did, fucking tell me. Now"

"I drank because I was thirsty, not because I hooked up with anyone, God you are an asshole, I'm going to bed."

"was it rafe, if it was I'll be at his ass right now." I flip him off before walking into the house and slamming the door.

Eventually everyone ends up going to their rooms and JJ walks into our room, gets changed, and lays down to go to sleep.

He turns to me and resthis head on his arm, the other playing with my hair. "who'd you hook up with Bea?"

I hit him playfully and laugh, "No one special." He gasps and puts his hand over his chest to act offended.

"Wow, I thought I was pretty special being your boyfriend and all but ok." he laughs and turns over. "good night Bea, I love you."

"I love you too Blondie, good night."


I get up with the urge to pee and walk into the bathroom. I pee and wash my hands before walking back to the bed.

I get under the covers but realize that JJ isn't in the bed. I walk out of the bedroom to see if he was in the kitchen and he was.

I didn't see who was next to him but she was clearly hitting him. I walk over to the light switch and I turn it on.

when the light comes on I scream a little too loud. "what the fuck JJ?" He quickly opens his eyes and looks at the girl in front of him.

"Jesus Kiara, I thought you were Bea, omg."  He pushes her off of him and walks over to me.

"Bea, I'm so sorry I thought that she was you and I didn't realize. please say something." I look up at him with my mouth open.

"Wh-what do I even say. You kissed my best friend and then you lie to me. Yeah, fuck you."

I shove my way past him and out the door, he tries to follow me but I don't let him as I run as fast as I can.

I don't really know where to go so I turn down a road I've never been and knock on a familiar door.

I look at the person who opens the door through my clouded eyes which are cover in tears.

"Bea? what are you doing here are you ok." I don't say anything while I collapse into his arms.

"Can I stay the night, I cant be at home right now." I look at the boy and he lets me in.

"Thanks Rafe." He looks at me and moves my hair out of my face, "Of course. Do you want a drink?" "That would be great."

hey, I wanted to thank everyone who red this far because I've been working really hard on this. I thought this was a fun plot twist.
what will happen next? stay tuned

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now