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Jamie positioned herself on a chair a few inches apart from the rest of the group, gazing at the bed where Erin lay. The unfolding situation was unbelievable to her, and she couldn't help but feel sympathy for the brunette. Observing Antonio sitting by Erin's side, the young blonde reflected on the events of the dinner and sighed deeply, recalling her deceased uncle.

'You must be hungry,' a male voice interrupted, drawing Jamie's focus from Erin's bedside to Jay standing before her with a bag of food. With a quizzical expression, she responded, 'Not particularly, I'm just trying to make sense of all this,' as she accepted the bag, not wanting to appear impolite.

'Thank you,' she added as Jay settled down beside her, to which he replied, 'Don't mention it.' Retrieving a sandwich from the bag, the young blonde took a bite as Jay inquired, 'So, what's your story? I understand this must be quite perplexing for you.'

Jamie shared with a frown that she was employed at the dinner event where Yates set fire and took her uncle's life to pursue Erin, eventually threatening her.

Jay attentively listened to her distressing account, expressing concern for her plight: 'I have lost everything, and I find myself with nowhere to turn.'

Showing empathy, Jay suggested, 'If you wish, you could accompany us back to Chicago; we are eager to provide assistance to the best of our abilities.' Perplexed by Jay's willingness to help, Jamie inquired, 'Truly?' to which Jay assured her, 'It is our obligation to assist you through these circumstances, and I believe Erin would share the same sentiment.'

Contemplating Jay's proposition, Jamie raised a practical concern, 'If I decide to come along, where would I lodge as I have limited resources for a hotel?' Observing her predicament, Jay nonchalantly responded, 'You are welcome to stay at my residence; it will not pose a difficulty, and I can offer assistance.' Acknowledging his offer, Jamie nodded in agreement.

Jamie agreed to accompany the group, and Jay smiled as they engaged in conversation and began to acquaint themselves with one another. Antonio shifted his focus from Erin's sleeping figure to Dr. Jackson, who entered the room with some paperwork.

'Detective Lindsay's transfer has been finalized, and you will be departing shortly,' Dr. Jackson informed them. Antonio accepted the paperwork and requested Voight's signature, expressing gratitude before returning the clipboard.

As Dr. Jackson exited the room, Voight commenced explaining their upcoming actions. 'I will remain here with Al to speak with Mitchell about his actions and determine if anyone influenced him. So, the responsibility falls on you two in Chicago until my return,' Voight directed towards Antonio and Jay.

Antonio affirmed, 'We will handle everything there as promised, and I will not leave Erin's side anytime soon. If needed, I will have Trudy sit with her.' He expressed his trust in the female sergeant to care for Erin when he couldn't, as they would require Burgess and Roman for a while.

Voight nodded approvingly, 'That's good. You two should head out now,' he directed as he exited the room with Al after planting a kiss on Erin's forehead.

Observing their departure, Jamie turned to Antonio, offering, 'I can assist to the best of my abilities if you need extra eyes.' She was eager to contribute since she would be staying at Jay's without paying rent.

Acknowledging the offer, Antonio nodded at the blond, 'You can assist Trudy and me in keeping an eye on Erin, while Jay can handle the others.' Jay also agreed, 'Sounds good.'

* Voight's P.O.V*

Voight and Al proceeded into the Special Victims Unit building with the intention of meeting with Mitchell to discuss his actions, gather information on his motives, and ascertain whether he was coerced.

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