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Erin and Nadia were dining together, eating a plate of chicken strips and fries, engaging in conversation. 'Are you certain you are alright?' Nadia inquired, observing Erin's pensive expression.

Erin, looking thoughtful, sighed as the notion of her pregnancy crossed her mind and she expressed concern about the baby's paternity. 'What if the baby is not Antonio's?' she pondered, gazing at Nadia with a furrowed brow.

Nadia, appearing worried, responded, 'Are you suggesting it might be Yates?' Erin glanced at her food, whispering uncertainly, 'I don't know. But Antonio and I only began having intimate relations last month.' Furrowing her brow, Erin played with a fry while contemplating various scenarios.

'If I am only now experiencing symptoms, it should be Antonio's,' she reasoned, considering the timeline of events and the possibility of Yates impregnating her weeks ago.

"Perhaps we should consider visiting the hospital for a check-up if you are worried," Nadia suggested, reaching for Erin's hand. "I believe the timing of symptoms can vary in each pregnancy." Erin listened attentively, then replied, "But if the baby is not Antonio's, he may not choose to stay."

Nadia started to respond, but Erin interrupted, saying, "How can you be so certain? If it's not Tony's but Yates', I wouldn't blame him," Erin muttered, gazing down at her hands.

"I am uncertain of my reaction if it's Yates', considering he sexually assaulted me multiple times so it's more likely his," the older woman expressed, covering her face with her hands. "I understand it's not the baby's fault, but processing this is challenging," she added with a sigh.

Nadia stood up, walked to Erin, and comforted her, saying, "You shouldn't blame yourself for what occurred. It's not your fault," she assured, pulling her mentor into a hug. "Please, stop blaming yourself, Er," she whispered.

"Let us proceed to the hospital for you to undergo a check-up. There is a possibility that they may conduct a DNA test," Nadia mentioned as she settled the bill for their meals and guided Erin out of the dinner, ensuring they grabbed their coats.

Observing Erin's trembling and escalating agitation, Nadia started to feel concerned. Erin acquiesced as she allowed Nadia to lead her out of the dinner.

She then observed as Nadia messaged Antonio and Voight, informing them of their departure to the hospital. Walking closely behind Nadia, Erin and Nadia unexpectedly encountered two masked individuals.

"You both are coming with us," asserted the masked man on the right, attempting to reach out for Nadia.

In a protective move, Erin swiftly intervened, vehemently repulsing the man's hand away. "Refrain from touching her, you contemptible fellow," Erin uttered fiercely, firmly gripping Nadia's arm as they forcefully maneuvered past the masked figures blocking their way.

During the ordeal, one of the masked men retrieved an item from his pocket, only to be forcefully pushed aside, causing him to lose his balance and granting the two women ample time to escape.

Erin, feeling her heart racing, guided Nadia away from the men as she recognized who had sent them and was determined to prevent him from harming Nadia.

'Come on,' she urged as they fled from their pursuers. Upon reaching Erin's car, they hastily got in, but the two men caught up to them and violently struck Erin in the face, causing her to fall to the ground.

'Stop running, bitch,' the first man growled as he stood menacingly over the fallen Erin, whose head was reeling from the force of the blow. Struggling to stand, Erin heard Nadia's scream as she tried to free herself from the grasp of the second man, who, to her surprise, joined in by punching Erin squarely in the cheek.

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