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Antonio and Voight were waiting in the hospital waiting room for any sign of Erin and Nadia, it had been three hours and Antonio had been attempting to contact Erin with no success.

Voight inquired, 'Have you received any updates?' Antonio replied, 'No, I am growing concerned, Voight,' while nervously pacing the floor.

Trying to manage his frustration and ignoring his gut feeling, Antonio asked Voight, 'Do you sense that something unfortunate has transpired?'

Voight, sharing the sentiment, acknowledged, 'I have a suspicion that things are amiss,' contemplating the messages Erin had received from Yates, suggesting there was more to it.

Antonio, troubled by the possibilities, questioned, 'Could it be that Yates has gotten to them?' Reluctant to speculate but confronted with the stark reality.

"Voight shared his suspicion that Nadia would likely be texting to inform them of their arrival." Voight said as he walked back and forth. Antonio concurred with a nod. As he was about to speak further, his phone rang and he answered it without checking the caller ID, "Dawson!" he exclaimed.

"Antonio," Nadia's voice responded from the other end, prompting Voight and Antonio to exchange glances. "Nadia, where are you-" he started, but she interrupted, her breath heavy on the line. "Yates...has us...I don't know where, but it seems like a farm house or similar," Nadia whispered urgently on the phone.

Antonio quickly had Voight contact Mouse to track the location of the number Nadia was calling from. "Hold on, I'm locating it," Mouse reassured through Voight's phone.

Antonio inquired about the well-being of Erin and you, tapping his foot in concern. Nadia responded that they were currently fine, but she expressed uncertainty about how long that status would endure. As she finished speaking, the phone abruptly disconnected.

Antonio repeatedly called out Nadia's name in an attempt to elicit a response, but the line remained silent. Frustrated, he slammed his phone down on the nearby chair. Voight approached them, informing Antonio that Mouse had captured the signal and was in the process of tracking it.

Antonio expressed relief at the news, acknowledging that the resolution shouldn't take more than a few hours. He regretted not accompanying Erin and Nadia or sending Burgess with them, now resigned to waiting for Mouse to pinpoint their location.

* Back With Nadia*

Meanwhile, Nadia observed her phone, realizing she had limited time to use it due to one of the captors potentially facing consequences for assisting them.

Derick, can you clarify what might happen to you if Mark and Yates discover that you are helping us and Miss Lindsay?" Nadia inquired, compelling the large man to face her.

Derick nonchalantly responded, stating, "Nothing will happen as long as you both remain silent about my involvement. I am undercover to collaborate with Yates and Mark in order to apprehend them. Moreover, I will not permit them to harm my younger sister again."

Nadia was intrigued and questioned Derick, "Your sister? Are you referring to Erin?" Derick paused at the door, confirming, "Yes, but it is unnecessary to inform her now. I will disclose everything at the appropriate time. Currently, the priority is to facilitate your escape and ensure that Yates and Mark are held accountable for their actions.

 Nadia nodded in agreement as she reclined on her bed and stated, 'Alright, handsome, see you later.' She smiled mischievously, causing Derick to roll his eyes before exiting the room and closing the door behind him.

The dark-haired woman recollected the moment she had started conversing with Derick, which had occurred just a few hours prior when Mark had left her alone in the room for Derick to enter and engage in conversation.

" With Erin*

Erin, with her arms crossed, anxiously roamed around the room, as Yates had departed a couple of hours ago, desperately searching for a makeshift weapon. As she rummaged through the drawers of the stands in the room, she let out a sharp breath when a wave of nausea hit her.

'Alright, child, I understand you're in there, but there's no need for me to be feeling queasy every five minutes,' Erin scolded the baby growing in her stomach, unable to suppress a chuckle at her situation.

Upon opening the last drawer she had yet to inspect, Erin's expression turned into a smirk as she laid eyes on a small metal pick, exclaiming, 'Aha!' as she picked it up.

Erin heard the door open behind her and quickly closed it, concealing the metal pick behind her back to prevent Yates from seeing it. As Yates entered the room with a grin, he inquired, 'What are you up to, Detective? Are you attempting to seduce me?'

Erin replied sternly, 'You wish,' clutching the metal pick as Yates approached and placed a hand on her cheek, to which she feigned enjoyment.

Raising an eyebrow, Yates remarked, 'What happened to your feistiness? Not that I mind; it pleases me that you have learned your lesson.' Erin remained silent, allowing Yates to kiss her, which she reciprocated.

Yates teased, 'Have you finally acknowledged who you belong to, Detective?' as he embraced her and deepened the kiss, prompting Erin to return the embrace.

Erin simulated a moan as Yates began kissing her neck, her hands encircling his neck, the metal pick in her hand poised for an attack when the opportunity arose. Yates displayed a smirk upon hearing the detective's moan, proceeding to touch her intimately, prompting the brunette to bite her lip.

Taking advantage of Yates' distraction, Erin readied her right hand holding the sharp pick, preparing to strike him in the neck, until Mark entered the room.

Erin Nervously awaited Mark's reaction as he inquired, 'What are you intending to do with that metal pick, detective?' This interruption caused Yates to cease his actions and withdraw his hands from Erin's pants.

Yates, separating himself from Erin with a puzzled expression, questioned, 'What is the issue, Mark?' Mark explained, 'I came to check on you two, and upon entering, I caught her in the act of trying to stab you in the neck with the pick she was holding.'

Yates addressed Erin, inquiring, 'Is it true, Detective? Were you attempting to harm me?' as he observed the pick that Mark had taken from the brunette, who stood coldly glaring at them with her arms crossed.

Erin, maintaining eye contact with Yates, refuted, 'I am unaware of what you are referring to, as I was preoccupied with our intimate moment. What is your interpretation?'

A sound of distress escaped Erin when Yates pushed her onto the bed and forcefully struck her chest, demanding, 'Share the truth, Detective. I sensed deceit, especially in your reciprocal actions during our kiss.' Yates taunted Erin, emphasizing his mistrust.

Erin, struggling against him and breathing heavily, received a hard slap across her face from Yates, who declared, 'I have grown weary of your deceitful tactics, Detective.'

Mark then handed the pick to Yates, who threatened, 'Mark, relinquish the pick to me. It appears time to coerce this young lady into compliance.'

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Erin, assistance was en route as Nadia had contacted Antonio, prompting her to resist Yates' hold.

Mark seized the brunette's arms and forcefully raised them above her head, causing her to utter a cry as Yates proceeded to press the pick against Erin's cheek, slashing downward towards her chin. Yates displayed a smirk as blood trickled down Erin's cheek.

'Halt!' Erin exclaimed as Yates positioned the pick above her eye, observing her attempt to evade it by moving her face, yet he firmly grasped her chin, exerting pressure.

'Do you have your knife with you, Mark?' Yates inquired with a grin as Mark passed him the knife.

'Here you go,' Mark replied, taking hold of Erin's arms once again. Erin observed Yates as he ran the knife along her throat before forcefully plunging it into her shoulder, prompting her to cry out in agony.

'Yates, please cease,' she implored, tears streaming down her cheeks as Yates continued to twist the knife. Yates observed as blood began to seep from the wound.

'I do not believe so, Detective Lindsay,' he quipped as he withdrew the knife from her shoulder, poised to strike her chest had it not been for someone pushing him away from Erin.

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