5| breaking and entering

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE I let you guys rope me into this," I grumbled, ducking my head further into my collar. The second someone saw us, I was turning right around and going back to my comfortable room where I could worry about my first day of World Building by myself.

"Relax. We've spent four years following every rule known ever. It's time to let loose, man," Alex said, his eyes alight with excitement. Even sweet, innocent Clara looked like this was the greatest thing to ever happen to her.

And we graduated a few hours ago, for goodness sakes! 

"Seriously, Kerr, relax. This'll be fun. We can get to the real stuff tomorrow" Jackie said, bumping my shoulder with hers.

It was like these people forgot how hard they had worked for the position we were jeopardizing.

But maybe that wasn't so bad? I had spent every waking moment during school working on Fortis. And I had devoted everything I had to becoming a World Builder...

Okay. Maybe it would be fine to let loose for a night and accept things as they came.

I let out a long breath, and a wide smile spread across Alex's face. He raised his hand up for a high five, and I accepted, a matching grin on my own face.

The thrill of doing something that wasn't explicitly allowed caused a small tremor to go through me. I hadn't done something like that in so long. And surrounded by people that were offering their friendship... It almost felt touching.

I could feel the gap where Lucas should have been, right next to me. He would have masterminded that whole operation had he been there.

He should have been with us.

We quietly walked towards the main lab, and I couldn't help but admire the officers' wing. Broad windows, solid tile floors, and walls and walls of accolades and awards that had been given out for centuries.

Jackie giggled, pointing to one award that was particularly shiny.

"Do you think that's what you boys will look like? Bald and tired? Clara, do you want to bet how soon it happens?"

Clara gave a matching giggle. "I give them two years."

Jackie snorted. "Really? I give them two days."

"Oh please," I interrupted, pointing to the plaque sitting next to the bald guy. "This lady looks like she hasn't slept in forty years."

Jackie gasped, pressing a hand over her heart. "It is not a man's place to judge a woman's appearance!"

She couldn't help but smile as she dramatically continued down the hall, her arms crossed over her chest. Emmet chuckled from beside me, immediately going beet red.

It was like he didn't think he was allowed to think Jackie's dramatics were funny.

I draped my arm across his shoulders, pulling him along with Alex and Clara down the hall. 

"How are you doing with this whole breaking and entering thing? I get the feeling it's not your style," I said, giving Emmet a playful shove before pulling away. It was incredible how carefree I felt. Spending time with my new fellow World Builders had turned out to be an incredible stress reliever. Perhaps I should seek them out more often.

"It's fine. I'm just glad we're not going to pretend like we don't know each other. That would suck. I'm not great at meeting new people."

I laughed, remembering Emmet's first day in the World Builder program. He had looked nauseous at the idea of introducing himself to nine other people.

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