10| ready for launch

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BY THE END of the work day, I was exhausted. A bone deep wariness had settled into my core and all I wanted to do was fall into my bed and take the longest nap known to mankind.

Luckily, Jackie's planet had finished up soon after Emmet and I's conversation, so I was able to stumble back to my room right after Jackie finished filming her video diary. The amount of time it took to create our planets was insane. I couldn't even muster the energy to care that I would officially meet the other World Builders the next day. 

I walked slowly through the silent, dark halls of EXO to my room, where I blearily opened my door and almost fell into my room when the door opened.

The lights turned on automatically, lighting my way to my private bathroom. I quickly showered and changed before stumbling onto my bed. The toll of the day had hit me hard, and I couldn't wait to settle into the oblivion of sleep.

I didn't have that luxury.

Instead, I tossed and turned, no matter my exhaustion. It was like something was pulling at my conscious, pulling me out of my room. But I didn't want to go out of my room. I was perfectly fine in my bed, as long as I was able to fall asleep at some point.

But some point never came. I blearily looked over at the alarm clock I had put on the night stand. One thirty in the morning. 

I finally caved and rolled out of bed, getting up to walk around a little. Before I had signed up for World Building and was simply a regular citizen, I had frequented one of the more popular news sites, GalaxyPages. We didn't have access to the news while we were serving because of the distraction it would cause to our work mindset. We needed to put our full attention and focus towards finding the perfect combination for a planet for humankind.

All I could do was hope that Fortis would make the cut. I wanted greatness so badly, and I could almost taste it. Fortis was no longer a blueprint or a figment of my imagination. It was alive and in the solar system.

I could see it through the lab's windows.

I truly desired to visit it.

But I could never have put my position in jeopardy by sneaking out of my room for a peek. That would have to wait for the morning.

Or, at least, later in the morning.

I sighed, burying my face in the soft silk of my pillow. There was no way I would be able to sleep tonight.

IT TURNED OUT that I could actually sleep quite well, even though Fortis was tangible for the first time ever

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IT TURNED OUT that I could actually sleep quite well, even though Fortis was tangible for the first time ever.

I awoke to the sound of my alarm blaring and my walls slightly glowing. It seemed almost like a sunrise, but I didn't want to think too deeply about it. I had other things to get done before I prioritized figuring out why my walls were lit up.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out one of my new uniforms, choosing to ignore the one I had left on the floor the night before. I didn't need to occupy my mind with that, either. I quickly brushed my teeth and made my hair presentable before grabbing my bag full of notes and other things I might need.

I was anxious to meet the other World Builders. I could only hope that they would be welcoming. Although, considering I wanted to beat them all and become the commander, I would understand if they hated me.

But then again, they didn't know that yet. 

I left my room with one last deep breath before securing my calm, cool, and collected mask on my features. I did not need anyone getting the idea that I was as nervous as I actually felt. All I wanted was to walk in the door, perhaps become friendly with the others, and exude a confidence that would allow me to climb the ranks of leadership as quickly as possible.

I didn't even stop to think about what would happen when I got to the top. At that moment, I was focused on the journey.

I walked briskly down the well lit hallway, taking in the plain white walls and marveling at how little I ever saw anyone else. I wondered why that was. After all, at least three World Builders graduated from each class, and there was never any word of anyone leaving their position. It was like everyone was hiding, or at least timed their walks through the hallway at different times than me.

I didn't even pause at the laboratory door before scanning my key card and walking into the large room.

And... I was incredibly confused.

I was only five minutes early. Everyone from my year was there except Emmet, and there were only five other World Builders present.


"Hello," I said, trying to mask my confusion. "I'm Wyatt Kerr. It's nice to meet you."

I went around and shook all five hands before retreating into the familiar ranks of my year.

"Nice to meet you, Wyatt. I'm Rosa, and this is George, Gregory, Cala, and Lyna. We are the other World Builders that you will be joining for work from now on."

Rosa, the woman who had spoke, was tall and bleach blonde, her hair pulled into a severe bun. Her defined cheekbones and icy blue eyes cut an imposing figure.

George, the first man she had gestured to, and Gregory, the second, looked nearly identical with similar beanpole builds and wire framed glasses. Despite their nerdy appearances, however, they held themselves with confidence.

Next was Cala, who was muscular and short, all messy brown hair and big green eyes. She looked around at us newcomers with excitement, like she was so excited to see new people.

Finally, Lyna seemed to be Rosa's second in command. She stood just a step back from Rosa, her bright red hair pulled into a similar bun and her brown eyes twinkling dangerously.

I didn't think that any of them would hurt us, but it did seem like they were reminding us who had seniority and who did not.

"Today, each of you will be allowed to visit your planets for approximately an hour. You will go to your shuttle, make observations, and come back and film your video diary. That's the basic schedule for newly launched planets until you've collected enough data to start on version two. Any questions?" This time, Lyna spoke, meeting each of our eyes as she gave her speech.

Emmet still hadn't arrived. I glanced around, wondering if the others had noticed.

But they were all staring straight ahead, right at Lyna, as if she held the sun.

"Perfect. Thanks. We'll be sure to get everything done," I said, which seemed to knock Jackie out of whatever day dream she had been having.

"Wonderful! Thank you so much for the directions. Now, if you would tell us where these shuttles are, we will get started!" Jackie channeled so much enthusiasm, it was a wonder to me that she could operate on barely any sleep.

"They're down by the Creator. You just have to tell each one where it needs to go. No piloting necessary. Have fun!" Gregory said, smiling wide. 

I smiled back before turning my back on the rest of the World Builders as I begun my decent to the shuttles.

I couldn't contain the smile that broke out on my face, but I was careful to keep my head bowed like I was focusing on the stairs.

In truth, I couldn't believe I was seconds away from setting foot on Fortis. On the planet of my dreams.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I rearranged my face and walked quickly to the wall of shuttles I hadn't even noticed the night before. I located the navigation screen and entered Fortis' name, my hands shaking with anticipation.

"Ready for launch," a robotic lady's voice said, "please enter the pod."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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