8| good morning, world!

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I OPENED MY eyes to sunlight filtering through my bedroom window and the sounds of my cat meowing at her food bowl.

I slid out of my warm bed, happy to have slept in. Weekends were becoming precious.

I walked through my typical routine: feeding the cat, brushing my teeth, and eating breakfast. Bubbles, my cat, purred as she walked between my legs and hopped onto the kitchen counter right in front of me. At this point, I didn't even care. She would never listen.

I walked to the small room to the right of the kitchen. I always kept the door closed for fear that Bubbles would get in and destroy all my artwork. In the middle of the room, there was a blank canvas sitting on the easel. All around it, completed frames of flowers, people, and places sat, forgotten in the shadows. Someday, I would have my own gallery and enough money to buy Bubbles and I a house in the suburbs. But for now, I needed to think of another piece to create, something that would compliment the rest of the collection and still stand out.

I sighed and returned to my bedroom, fixing my cream and gold comforter and opening my blinds. Today was going to be a good day. I showered, got dressed, and decided to go on a run.

Carefully, so that Bubbles wouldn't get out, I walked out of my apartment and popped my earbuds into my ears. I smiled, pressed play on my favorite running playlist, and started off at a jog down the crowded city street.

As I ran, I partook in one of my favorite activities: people watching. You never knew what you could see or learn or take in from the interactions of other people.

I loved calling Newsmith City home. For one, there were so many people and never any crime. Second, there were towering skyscrapers that pierced the sky, but there were also just as many rolling green parks to break up the overbearing buildings.

I ran into my favorite park, admiring the gorgeous flowers and tall trees. I breathed deeply, savoring the sound of my feet pounding on the sidewalk, the music blaring from my headphones, and the feeling of oxygen rushing in and out of my body so that I could continue running.

There was nothing that made me appreciate my body more than running. I mean, it could do anything!

I turned out of the park and jogged to Quiet Time Cup, my all time favorite coffee shop. 

"Hey, Teddy!" I said as I walked into the deserted cafe. "Are you in here?"

"Yes, yes, give me a moment!" Teddy, the owner of the shop, called. 

I waited, looking around to see if there was anything new in the case this morning. Teddy was always coming up with interesting concoctions for people to eat. I spotted a unique looking bagel, but that was about it.

The menu was also eccentric. Drinks titled 'Black as Your Soul' and 'Smashing Pumpkin Spice Latte,' Teddy's personality really showed through his choices in naming his drinks.

"Alright, what can I get for you, dear?" Teddy asked, walking behind the counter while wiping his hands on a clean white towel. Teddy was in his early fifties with a handlebar mustache, glasses, and kind eyes. This morning he wore an apron with little red roses all over it and a pinstripe shirt underneath. 

"I'll take a Mount Caramel Macchiato," I said, smiling at Teddy. He was impossible not to like.

"That'll be four dollars and fifty cents," Teddy said, typing into his register. "It'll be right out."

He quickly made the drink before handing me my cup.

"Have a wonderful day," Teddy said, smiling broadly.

"You too!" I said over my shoulder as I walked through the door, the bell jingling merrily as I left.

I looked up at the sun, glaring down on Fortis. 

I looked back down, but something had caught my eye. A small black thing was moving across the sky slowly. Oh well, I thought. Probably just a bird.

I continued on my route home, excited to start on my next project, convinced it would be the one to hit it big.

I continued on my route home, excited to start on my next project, convinced it would be the one to hit it big

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