Chapter 1 ~ How it all began

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  Yugi really had to hate getting lost. He was easily distracted and the stupid icecream truck was the culprit this time.

  He wandered, looking around for his friends. In doing so, he failed to look right infront of him. So, of course, he bumped into somebody. Not just any somebody, but somebody who looked almost exactly like him, but more serious with blonde streaks running up like lightning a few of his spikes.

  "Uhhh...sorry?" Yugi said, completely confused.

  "That's perfectly alright, hey are you Yugi, the duel monsters champ?" the guy who looked like Yugi asked.

  "I-I don't like to b-brag but yea I guess..." Yugi stuttered.

  "That's awesome! I'm Yami, we should duel sometime." the other guy said, holding a hand out to Yugi, motioning him to shake it.

  "N-nice to meet you Y-yami." Yugi replied, shaking his hand uncertainly.

  Yami smiled then rubbed the back of his neck with a hand, "This must be kinda weird for you, that I look like you, I've always thougtit kind of strange too, but you're my idol."

  "No, no, no, it's fine, I'm not weirded out or anything!" Yugi jumped, "It's kinda cool." Yugi blushed at the thought of being this guy's idol.

  "How about we duel this saturday at the arena?" Yami asked.

  "Huh? Uhhh sure." Yugi replied.

  "Say about...3 o'clock?" Yami suggested.

  "Errr why not?" Yugi responded weakly.

  "Ok! It's a date!" Yami exclaimed, winking at Yugi.

  "Wa-" Yugi only managed that before Yami ran off without another word.

  Yugi stood there for a moment, going over exactly what had just happened. He couldn't have meant it that way, it was just a joke. He sighed to himself and brushed his fingers through his hair. 

  "Hey Yug! Where ya been bud?" Joey exclaimed, running up to hime with the the whole gang in tow.

  "Huh?" Yugi asked, surprised when everyone attacked him with hugs.

  "We were so worried!" Tea shouted.

  "Oh...sorry, I guess I kinda wandered off." Yugi said.

  "It's alright Yugi, so long as we finally found you!" Ryou laughed.

  "Yeah." everyone agreed.

That Saturday:

  Yugi sighed as he got out of his car and started towards the famous Domino City Dueling Arena. Yugi worriedly pondered about who Yami was exactly, shaking his head as he entered the humongus building.

  When Yugi walked in the gigantic building Yami immediately spotted him, "Yugi!" Yami called.

  "Huh?" Yugi turned to look at Yami to see him running towards him. Somehow Yugi found himself admiring Yami's attire, from his tight leather pants and leather shoes to the black wife beater. Yugi realized he was sort of staring and shook himself out of it, "Uh...hi...Yami..."

  "We're at arena three, come on!" Yami exclaimed, grabbing Yami's hand and pulling him along.

  Before they went to their respective sides, Yami leaned over to Yugi's ear, "If I win I get a kiss."

  Yugi blushed, "What? Y-You're serious?"

  Yami smiled and nodded and before Yugi could respond Yami was walking away. Yugi felt hot in his cheeks and knew his ears were probably bright red as he went to his side. Yugi got out his deck, scanned its contents one time for luck, then shuffled it and placed it down on the dueling board.

  "You ready Yugi?" Yami asked with excitement in his voice.

  "Uh, yeah." Yugi replied quietly.



  A crowd had begun to surround the two as the duel was coming to a close. Many were cheering for the all-time champ Yugi, but many also cheered for the possibility of a new champion as Yami was as 500 life points and Yugi only 100.

  "Attack!" Yami called to his dark magician and wiped out the rest of Yugi's life points.

  Everyone who was watching stopped and stared.

  "Somebody actually...beat Yugi Motou?" some kid asked in disbelief.

  "Looks like there's a new duel monster's champ!" A spokesperson shouted, his voice booming throughout the whole building.

  Everyone cheered and rushed to congradulate Yami. Yugi walked over and Yami forgot everyone else, pulled away from the surrounding crowd, and walked up to Yugi. Yugi held out his hand for Yami to shake it, but Yami had other ideas. Yami pushed Yugi's hand aside and leaned in.

  Yami kissed him. Full-on the lips.

  And that was the start of a very confusing relationship.

A Very Confusing RelationshipWhere stories live. Discover now