Chapter 3 ~ Insensitive Stalkers

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The next day:

  Yugi shrugged into his jacket and grabbed his car keys. He bent down to ge his backpack, slipped it on his shoulder then yelled a goodbye to his grandpa. He headed out to his car.

  Yugi shook his head wondering what Yami was going to do today. He wasn't sure how he felt about Yami. He liked his posotive attitude, and the excitement he seemed to have in him, but not how he kept putting Yugi under pressure and embarrassed him.

  Yugi slipped into the drivers seat.

  "Hey Yugi." a familiar deep voice said.

  Yugi shrieked when turned and saw Yami sitting in the passenger seat f the car.

  "H-how..." Yugi stuttered.

  Yami shrugged, "Let's just say Jaden's good at pick-locking."

  "Plus we wanted to see how you'd react." Jaden's voice said.

  Yugi turned and almost jumped out of is skin when he saw Jaden and Yusei sitting in the back of his car.

  "Let's go to school." Yusei said, motioning for Yugi to turn back to the wheel and drive.

  Yugi blinked at him, then turned and started the car and drove to school. He was going to ask where the three stalkers in his car went, but he had a dreading feeling they were just gonna go with Yugi anyway. 

  When he stopped infront of Domino High, Jaden and Yusei umped out of the car. "So this is Domino High..." Yusei said, looking around.

  Jaden turned around as Yami and Yugi got out of the car, then walked up to Yugi, "I still don't forgive you."

  "Oh come on Jaden, you know it was an accident." Yami sighed.

  "What?" Yugi asked.

  "Don't play dumb Motou, remember yesterday?" Jaden said, crossing his arms.

  "Oh...that....well I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it, it was an accident, really!"

  Yusei grabbed Jaden's ear, "Drop it Jaden, it was an accident."

  "Ow ow ow! Okay okay! Fine!" Jaden yelled.

  "Good boy, now let's not make Yugi here late for class." Yusei stated.

  Just then the first bell rung, "Well....uhh that's my bell, gotta run!" Yugi exclaimed, running off to class without another word, glad to get away from the three main sources of his confusion and frustration. He supposed they simply needed to develop better listening skills. It would make things much easier.


  Yugi dreaded that when he went to the cafeteria to go eat, Yami, Jaden, and Yusei were all their waiting for him. Yugi tried desperately to hide in his group of friends but it was too late.

  "Hey Yugi!" Yami exclaimed, pushing through Yugi's friends.

  "Hey who are you?" Joey asked.

  "Oh, you must be Yugi's friend, hi I'm Yami, Yugi's boyfriend." Yami stated, grabbed Joey's hand and shook it.

  "Yugi's what?" all of Yugi's friends collectively seemed to gasp.

  Yami scratched the back of his head, " must not know...well since yesterday I've been Yugi's boyfriend."

  "Well we're not exactly boyfriends....I'm not exactly sure what we are..." Yugi stuttered shyly.

  "Oh don't say that, Jaden and I know how much you love eachother, as soon as you know it you'll be walking down that isle...." Yusei said.


  "Hey we can say what we want, we're Yami's best friends." Jaden stated, latching an arm over Yami's shoulder.

  Yugi sighed and facepalmed. All of Yugi's friends blinked and stared at the smiling Jaden and Yusei, along with a smirking Yami who was staring adoringly at a frustrated Yugi.

  " two are...Yugi's..." Tea said, looking at Yugi and Yami, trying to fit things together in her head.

  "Yes, and yes." Yami said. Yugi shrank and was blushing hard and he scowled at Yami. Yami looked at him and blinked confusedly, "Why are you looking at me like that Yugi?"

  "So now you finally notice me?" Yugi asked, then stomped off.

  Yami tilted his head, "What did I do?"

  Joey crossed his arms and looked expectantly at Yami, "Well ya were a little insensative."

  Jaden walked over and stomped on Joey's foot, then grabbed him by the ear and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL'S YOUR PROBLEM WITH MY BUDDY HERE!?"

  "GAH! Geez, I don't have a prob with your friend....ya'll were just being a little rude is all..." Joey mummbled, rubbing his now basically deaf ear.

  "We weren't being rude, we were all just introducing ourselves, what wrong with that? Huh punk?" Jaden asked.

  Yusei put a hand on Jaden's arm, "Calm down Jaden, he has reason, we were saying that we could say whatever we wanted." Jaden growled at Joey then turned away and stormed off. Yusei sighed and shook his head, "Sorry about him, he's got...problems."

  "Uh huh..." Tristin said.

  "Well, I guess we'll just catch you guys later, see ya!" Yusei said quickly, then ran after Jaden, leaving everyone else clueless.

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