Chapter 15 ~ 3 Days

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  Yugi walked down the street alone. Yami was stolen away by the freaks named Jaden and Yuseito the bar. Yugi refused to go, so they just took Yami. Yugi passed a girl tuning her guitar. He was just about to pass her when she singled him out.

  "Hey you!"

  "Huh?" Yugi asked.

  "Yeah, you." she said.


  "Would you pay me for a song?"

  Yugi looked her up and down, she looked kind enough, not at all like she'd spend it on anything bad. Though it was a little unconventional for a street performer to...well, ask. He shrugged, "Sure I guess."

  The girl smiled and nodded and pushed her guitar case towards him with her foot and started up her song.


"Guess this means your sorry

You're standing at my door

Guess this means you take back, all you said before

Like how much you wanted

Anyone but me

Said you'd never come back, but here you are again...

'Cause we be~long to~gether now, yeah~, Forever u~nited here~ somehow, yeah~, You got a peice~ of me~, and honestly~, my life, would suck, without~ you~

Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye

Maybe I was wrong for tryin' to pick a fight

I know that I've got issues

But you're pretty messed up too

Either way, I found out I'm nothing without you...

'Cause we be~long to~gether now, yeah~, Forever u~nited here~ somehow, yeah~, You got a peice~ of me~, and honestly~, my life, would suck, without~ you~

Being with you

Is so disfunctional

I really shouldn't miss you

But I can't let you go

Oh yeah

Cause we be~long to~gether now, yeah~, Forever u~nited here~ somehow, yeah~, You got a peice~ of me~, and honestly~, my life, would suck, without~ you~

'Cause we be~long to~gether now, yeah~, Forever u~nited here~ somehow, yeah~, You got a peice~ of me~, and honestly~, my life, would suck, without~ you~"

  After the song was over, there was a crowd around the girl. Yugi smiled, feeling a pit in his stomach. He dropped ten dollars into the guitar case and people raced to put money in it too. The girl smiled and waved and laughed, "Thank you all!!!"

  Yugi sighed, usually doing good always gave him a happy thrill, but he just wasn't feeling it today. 

  Yugi got home and found Yami standing at his door. Yami stared at him, "Who was the girl?"

  "What girl?" Yugi asked.

  "The girl with the guitar."

  Yugi shrugged, "Just some stranger." Yugi tried to get inside but Yami blocked his way.

  "Don't lie." Yami stated, there was something off about him. Yugi smelt his breath.

  "Ugh! Yami, you're drunk!" Yugi shouted, taking a step back. Yami closed his eyes and hummed. Yugi rolled his eyes and dragged Yami inside, "Grandpa, can you get him a glass of milk?"

  Grandpa nodded then got one and gave it to him and he just hit it out of Grandpa's hands, splashing it all over the place. Grandpa looked at Yugi, "What's wrong with him?"

  "Jaden and Yusei took him to a bar and he's drunk now."

  Grandpa sighed and shook his head, "You teens these days." and went to clean up the mess.

  Yugi got another glass and forced Yami to drink it. After the glass was empty, Yugi set aside the cup and dragged Yami to his bedroom. He pushed Yami down into a chair then Yugi sat on his bed, "Well, we got to wait until this subsides, you know what you'll parents would do if they found out Jaden and Yusei were the ones that took you t-"

  Yugi was interrupted by Yai's lips pressing against his. Soon he was pushed down onto the bed with Yami hungrily kissing him. Yugi could taste the alcohol from Yami's mouth.

  With strength Yugi never knew he had, he puhed Yami off of his and he hit the wall.

  "What is wrong with you? You're not helping your case, you know." Yugi said, feeling anger bubble inside of him. This wasn't like Yami at all. And, somehow, at the same time, it was.

  Yami cowered, sitting back down on the chair and looked away guiltily, "I'm sorry..."

  Yugi rolled his eyes, "Okay."

"I mean it."

Yugi exhaled deeply, willing himself to calm down, "I know."

That night:

 Why could he never manage to get Yami out of his head?

  Yami was going to go off for a duel tournament for 3 years if Yugi didn't say those three little words Yami wanted to hear so badly. But Yugi just couldn't. He didn't know, if he even did, if he'd actually mean it. His feelings were in a knot he didn't know how to untangle.

  Yugi knew he and Yami had something. Something unlike anything Yugi had ever been through. Yugi couldn't even imagine living without Yami anymore. At the same time he wished he could. It would be easier. Everyone just wants life to be easy.

  "Why can't I just tell him!" Yugi yelled to himself. Yugi closed his eyes in frustration. So what if he didn't mean it? He could put off the truth. He could enjoy his time with Yami until he figured it out. Would it really be a lie? Or was he just lying to himself?

  I love you.

  That was all he had to say to make Yami stay. Just three little words, none of them even over 4 letters. How can they hold so much meaning behind them? Why did they always make Yugi cry? He felt a painful rock wedged in his chest, repeating those four words in his head.

  Yami meant the world to him. He couldn't stand the thought of crying in front of him, though he had before. But to actually tell him what was wrong...why he was so hurt just thinking about it let alone saying it out loud.

  Tap. Tap tap. 

  Yugi heard taps on his window. He then noticed there were small rocks being thrown at it. He looked out his window and and saw Jaden and Yusei in his backyard.

  Yugi waved to them and opened the window, "What are you guys doing here?"

  "Are you just going to let Yami leave?" Jaden asked.


  "You're just going to break his heart and let him leave, aren't you?" Jaden asked.


  Yusei sighed, "Do you love him or not?"

  "...I...don't know..." Yugi replied, feeling tears form in the corners of his eyes as he realized, consciously, that was lie. He knew. Oh, he knew.


  Yugi felt a tear escape and roll down his cheek, he panicked and slammed his window shut then hid under the blankets on his bed. And cried.

  He didn't know what to do.

  He only had three days left. Then Yami would either be gone for 3 years, and probably hate him when he got back, or Yugi would tell him the three words and he'd stay. But either one made Yugi's heart hurt.

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