Chapter 19 ~ It's Love, I'm Sure

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  Yugi's heart sank so low it felt like it was going to pull him down. The plane had taken off.

  Yugi moped along, in shock and too sad to cry. He walked, his legs feeling so weak they felt like they were going to break down and he would fall to the ground sobbing.

  He walked, arms around his stomach like it hurt and his face scrunched up in pain. He decided more of the pain was in his chest, like an emptiness he just couldn't get to. He clawed at his chest wincing, and kept walking slowly down the hallway. Everyone he passed grew silent.

  Crying babies stopped, teenagers stopped talking, everyone stopped and stared. The security who had ran after him seemed to be nowhere in sight.

  He kept walking, wondering why there was any reason to walk anymore. Why there was a reason to go any further. What the point was to go on, to move on.

  Suddenly he grew out of his state of shock and the tears rolled down his eyes endlessly. He stifled his huge sobs that hurt his lungs and made his head pound.He held his breath and tried to calm down.

  What was the use in crying anyway?

  He continued walking down the hallway, still clawing at his chest, eyes watering, Legs getting heavier with every step, but something kept urging him to keep walking. Like, something called him, and forced him to keep going. His vision was blurred from the moisture coming from his eyes.

  It seemed every step to take forever. His legs felt like they were about to give in and he would trip. The emptiness burned inside of him, making him want to scream but something told him not to.

  He suddenly felt an overwhelming sensation, he felt like he couldn't go on. It felt like it was all over for him. He stopped, and for some reason he looked up. He almost missed it through his blurred vision. But, it's very hard to miss the outline of that ridiculous hair.

  He completely froze. Slowly, he wiped away the tears and uncertainly walked up to the familiar silhouette. He wasn't believing his eyes.

  It couldn't be...could it?

  He walked until he was about only a foot or two away from the seat. He stared for a moment. He prayed everything would be just like it used to be. With smiles, and laughs, and the never ending happiness. That he would get annoyed everyday again and secretly not care at all like it used to be.

  He uncertainly spoke up, "Y-yami?" Yugi said in a quiet mouse-like voice, cringing when his voice squeaked because of his previous crying.

  No reply came. He thought for a moment then decided to walk around the seat to see if was really who Yugi thought it was. When he did, he saw that familiar face he loved so much, smiling warmly at him with tear-filled eyes. He looked almost as if he was about to burst into tears with his trembling smile. It seemed he was forcing himself to appear happy, and yet meant it at the same time.

  "W-why are you still here?" Yugi asked weakly, joy in his heart but confusion in his head.

  Yami closed his eyes softly allowing tears to fall then let out a small laugh, "I couldn't do it. I couldn't get on the plane."

  Yugi felt his cheeks become warm and a pinkish blush arised on his cheeks. A happiness like none other that he had never felt before in his entire life arised throughout his whole heart mind and body. His pain subsided and he smiled so happily his face hurt and it all came out at once and Yugi pounced on Yami with a hug squealing happily, "I love you!"

  Yami's eyes grew wide with surprise and he couldn't help but smile and laugh while crying and hugging Yugi back tightly. He knew his face probably looked really weird but he didn't exactly care.

 They stopped the hug and Yami stood up then Yugi kissed his lips. They smiled happily and embraced each other again.

  "I love you too." Yami said.

  Yugi hugged Yami tighter, "I love you more."

  Jaden and Yusei jumped out from underneath some chairs from the row behind them shouting in unison, "Finally!!!" and joining Yugi and Yami's hug.

  Yami and Yugi both laughed happily...until Jaden and Yusei hugged so hard they were being suffocated.

  After the two let the lovers go, Jaden and Yusei joined hands and spun around the room singing joyfully some random happy song. Yugi and Yami laughed but didn't let go of each other.

  Yugi and Yami's faces and eyes met. Their faces slowly, every so slowly, inched towards each other and their eyes every so slow and gently began to close. When their lips touched, they immediately pressed together, making an explosion of love erupt in their hearts.

  They forgot who they are, where they are, and even forgot everything they had every known except for this moment as their tongues mingled. This precious, precious moment of true love. They held each other tightly as they kissed passionately.

  It was like watching fireworks on the Fourth of July when you were just a little kid. The bright array of beautiful lights in the sky before you, the loud booming and popping sounds making your heart race. Hiding behind your parents when the sounds got too loud, or holding their hands as you watched the beautiful array seeming like it was set out just for you. Heart beating like a drum, feeling the rush, and seeing the spectacular sight of bright lights decorate the night sky.

  Yet the feeling was still so much more than that.

  As the two unwillingly separated lips, they smiled happily, love in their watering eyes. So hapy they wanted to cry. Jaden and Yusei had long before stopped singing and spinning, and were smiling at the two.

  Yami grinned with his eyes closed at Yugi, accidentally letting a tear slip from his eyes. Yugi smiled and wiped it away softly. Yami opened his eyes again then let go of Yugi and dug something out from his pocket.

  Yugi looked at him curiously.

  Yami only grinned charmingly.

  Jaden and Yusei held in their inner fanboys.

  Everyone around was silent and just stared.

Time seemed to stop all at once.

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