Chapter 7 ~ Yami's House

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"Hello mother, can I bring some friends over?" Yami asked, he was calling his parents to ask if we could come over. There was a pause, probably his mother replying. Yami sighed, "Okay, may I please bring seven of my friends to your house?"

Yugi looked at Yami weird, why did he have to be so formal, wasn't he talking to his mom? Now Yugi was even more curious.

"They can? Alright, thank you mother...I love you." Yami said and all he heard was a long tone and no reply. He rolled his eyes and closed his phone before slipping it back in his pocket, "Okay guys, you can come over, just no rough housing, don't touch anything, and don't break anything or I'm dead."

Jaden and Yusei nodded, "As usual."

Yugi gave Yami a sideways look, "...okay...."

Everyone else just said nothing. Yami smiled and shook his head before running up to Yugi and grabbing his hand and sneaking a kiss on his cheek, "We'll have to wait for the limo."

"LIMO!?" everyone but Yusei and Jaden exclaimed.

Yami smirked, "You'll understand in good time."

After a while of waiting, a long, sleek, white limo drove up. The handle and the outlines of the windows and doors looked as if they were made of pure gold. Yugi and all his friends' jaws dropped at the sight of it.

Jaden and Yusei were a lot more dignified, Yusei offered his arm and Jaden put his arm on top and Yusei escorted Jaden to the limo, opened the door, then got in after Jaden.

Yami held up his arm to Yugi, motioning for him to do the same. Yugi did, but before Yami could open the door for Yugi, the driver hopped out and with inhuman speed rushed and opened the door, but with out a single sign of indignity for him the whole time.

Yami rolled his eyes and let Yugi get in first then got in after. The driver motioned for everyone left to get in as well, and soon they were all on the road.

"Okay so, I need to explain this all, my father is the owner of SattCo, the famous company selling army weapons and such, and my mother is a famous lawyer." Yami said.

"WHAT!" everyone except Jaden and Yusei shouted.

"With that attitude, Yami will be dead for your behavior." Jaden said, acting stuck-up.

"We're supposed to act stuck-up and rich and proper or else Yami's parents will kill him for having such undignified friends." Yusei explained.

Yugi nodded, "If your parents are that famous, you must be really rich."

"Yes, and I hate going home very much because I can not act laid-back. They make me go to a stuck-up private school, and they praised me for accomplishing something in my life 'for once' when I became duel monsters champ. That's also part of why I don't care." Yami said.

"Wow." everyone except Jaden and Yusei said.

"That's also why I like you so much Yugi. You can be happy and laid back, and you're who I've always wished to be, you can enjoy being duel monsters champ without being put down because it's the only useful thing about you to them." Yami said.

Yugi blushed, "I guess I've never considered that."

Nobody had realized, but they had arrived at the mansion, only did they realize when the driver got out and opened the door for them all to come out of the vehicle. When they got out the driver got back into the driver seat and drove off.

"Follow me." Yami said, then led everyone up to the gigantic double doors that had a camera and a medium size speaker above them. Jaden and Yusei immediately stopped holding hands. "Mother, I am home, and I have my seven friends with me." Yami said into a small speaker while pressing a button next to it.

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