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The boat did not kill the lady

The fate had been written before she glanced at us

They have heard her singing, they have enjoyed the cuts

The boat was a symbol, when the river turned shady

The village witnessed what they hadn't dared to discuss

The tower did not hide the shadow

The fate had been written before she stopped weaving

They have seen her wounds, they have ignored the bleeding

The tower was a symbol when the rumour turned into harrow

The village whispered what they hadn't dared believing

The prince did not cause the conclusion

The fate had been written before she stepped on earth

They have felt her misery, they have regretted not calling it a murth

The prince was a symbol when the truth turned into delusion

The village buried what hadn't dared to live

The village killed her, her who has never been given birth

"Inspired by..."

One of the best works of Alfred Tennyson. (The Lady of Shalott, 1833)

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