Dance, Dance

159 8 0

Patrick Stump

  It was freaking hectic trying to get ready for the dance. It was five thirty and I had to meet up with Tré to get things going for tonight.

  "Patrick!" Pete yelled from the other side of the gym. "Where is my bass?!"

  "On stage!" I answer him and grab my keys from one of the tables. I knew they were mine because it had a music note on it. "I'm gonna meet up with Tré now. I'll be right back."

  "Okay!" Joe yelled to me. "And bring snacks!"

  "There's some on the food table." Andy tells him. I left the gym jogging so I can meet him on time.

  I arrived at five forty-three and I was pretty good on time.

  "Tré?!" I shouted since he wasn't in view. He came from out the back and wiped some white paint on his jeans.

  "Hey kid." He said. "You here for the surprise?"

  "Yep. And I have-" I checked my watch. "About twenty minutes to get ready. So what's up?"

  "Here." He said and showed me a white, new guitar. "This is for you. I made it myself." I picked it up an  it felt perfect for my size.

  "How long did this take you?" I ask and pull out my old guitar from the case and put in my new one. Tré takes my old one and puts it away.

  "A week. I finished Pete's bass early and started on this one for you." Tré said and I go around the display case that separated us and hugged him.

  "Thanks Tré." I say and he hugs back.

  "No problem Pat. You're basically my son anyway." He jokes and I laugh taking my case. "Now go to your dance thingy Pat."

  "Okay. Bye Tré." I go out the store and head back to the school. I check the time and I have fifteen minutes left to get set up.

  I get there and I have just enough time to get my guitar and jump on stage. Literally. I had to jump on stage.

  "You got here just in time." Pete says kissing me.

  "I know." I said as it just turned six. "So we just screw around until kids get here?"

  "I guess so." Pete says he started to strum to Dance, Dance. "We start out with this song."

  "The irony is strong in this one." Joe says making us laugh.

  "Hello FOB." Gerard says walking in with his friends and their dates. "What's up?"

  "We are waiting for the students to show up." Andy said as we all sort of just start to sit around.

  "How long have you guys been here?" Mikey asked with Michelle on his arm.

  "Since five-ish." I answer.

  "You guys have no life." Frank said and laughed to assure us it was a joke. I think. His date hit his arm and apologized to us.

  "Who's she?" Joe asked nodding to Frank's date.

  "I'm Jamia." She said waving to us. Then a couple kids started to come in and we play a little bit.

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