Dahlia's choice

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My name is Princess Dahlia of the Seven Kingdoms of Aloriah. I am seventeen years of age, and father said that soon we will be needing to find me a suitor. It's as if he doesn't even care about what I've to say. All he cares about is the lands... Not his own daughter. But, today when I sat up in bed my maid bowed and said;

"Good morning, your highness. Are you feeling better today, or do I need to call the doctor?"

I smiled and said;

"At ease, Mariana. I'm feeling well."

Mariana then stood straight and said;

"That's splendid, your majesty. Your father had me prep you a nice gown for today. Would you prefer the red or the gold one?"

I then sat on the edge of my bed and said;

"My riding attire. I need to go take care of Dakota. I haven't been able to, because of this snow that we get. Can you prep it for me, please?"

Mariana then bowed again and said;

"Your highness, I'm very sorry, but your father said that you are to pick a gown and go to the dining hall immediately. Again, I apologize."

I then rolled my eyes and looked at the dresses. The red one was revealing at the chest area and the upper back, but the gold one was shiney, but it came with extra layers. I. Hate. Extra layers. I looked back at Mariana and said;

"Is there a way to at least make this red one knee length? I can't hardly keep a fast pace with this dress inside my ankles."

Mariana then walked over to the dress and said;

"May I?"

I nodded, and she uncliped something on the dress, and made is knee length. She then helped me put it on, and then I put on a chest cover, because I'm not one of the ladies that's comfortable showing my chest, and then Mariana said;

"Your highness, if I may, the length of your dress is really improper. I can make it up to your ankle, but no shorter. Ladies code. I really  do apologize for the inconvenience."

She then reclipped the skirt to my dress and made it ankle length. When she was done, I put on my flats, because I was not about to be hurrying around in heels today. As soon as I was finished getting dressed, Mariana opened the door, and I ran out. I don't know why I did, but I ran. I ran until I got to the door of the dining hall. At the door, I stopped and put on the proper act that I do for my family. When the door opened, the guards said,

"Her royal highness, Princess Dahlia of the seven Kingdoms of Aloriah."

When I got to the table, a maid pulled out my chair and my father said;

"Dahlia, good morning. It is nice to see you doing well today. As you know, we're going to have to find you a Suiter soon. This is nonnegotiable. Do you understand?"

I sat down and said;

"Yes, father. I understand."

He then smiled and said;

"Good, because that 'we will' is now a 'we have'. We've found you a great Suiter from a great family name, that will strengthen our walls."

I then dropped my cup and said;


My father then stood up and said;

"Of course you do, Dahlia. You know everything there is to know about being a mother and a queen. That's all you need to know, after all."

I stood up and slammed my hands down on the table. Looking really mad I said;

A not so royal Princess (Original)Where stories live. Discover now