Shit. I think it's time to go.

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I was walking back inside the inn today, when I saw no other then my dad. I quickly ran back out before he saw me, and then someone grabbed my arm and put their hand over my mouth. It was Nina. She looked at me in fear and said;

"He's meeting bounty hunters here. Trying to kill me, Triz and Roxanne. He doesn't care about you, he just wants the heirs."

I stayed silent. If this was true, my dad was a major ass hole and I don't ever want to talk to him again. We then heard a noise of leaves in the grass, and I pulled the dagger out of Nina's scabbard. She then let go of me, and climbed a tree. It was just Roxanne, but she was wearing torn black clothing inside of her usual white. Why was she wearing this? Roxanne then ran past me, and dropped a sleep smoke bomb. I quickly ran with her, and Nina jumped out of the tree to run with us. I didn't know why we were running, but it can't be good. A little ways down the road, we met Triz who caused a scene and made time for us to get out. When we got away, Triz was behind us. I then sat on the grass and said;

"The fuck did you guys do? Why is Roxanne in torn clothing, Triz in revealing clothing, and Nina being cautious? What did you do?"

Triz fell in the grass and said;

"My boss from the hellhole I was raised in found me. I got out."

Roxanne climbed a tree and said;

"Mein alter Chef hat mich gefunden. Ich bin irgendwie rausgekommen."

Nina then said;

"Bounty hunters. We're the most wanted people in this part of all the kingdoms. We're going to have to leave Aloriah... I can't believe this... We were all born and raised here..."

I kicked the dirt and then opened my bag and handed Triz a shirt and some pants. She already had her boots. Triz put them on, and then Roxanne said;

"Es tut mir leid, dass ich gerade kein Englisch sprechen kann. Ich kann es nach Panikattacken nicht sprechen. Es tut mir leid."

I looked confused and said;

"What's she saying?"

Nina put her hand on her hip and said;

"She can't speak English right now. She had a panic attack, and it ruins her brain. Just give her some space. We all ran from some past problems in the past day. We all need a break."

I then sat in the grass and said;

"Understandable... I'm thinking... We should actually just leave Aloriah. The king still thinks I'm a weak lady of the realm. We could goand he would never notice that we left. It's literally set out for us... We could get big, and never have to come back... Life on the high road."

Roxanne then said;

"Laufen. Verstecken. Was werden wir nicht tun? Ich weiß nicht, wie es euch allen geht, aber ich bin noch nicht bereit, Aloriah zu verlassen."

Triz then said;

"Tu dois te détendre, Roxanne. Ce ne sera que pour quelques années... Peut-être... j'espère."

I looked at Nina. She could understand what they were saying? Unfair, universe. Anyway, I looked at Nina and said;

"This sounds intense. What are we debating?"

Nina looked at me, grabbed my hand and said;

"We're debating on if we should leave Aloriah or not. What say you, Princess Dahlia of the seven Kingdoms of Aloriah? What do you say?"

And there she went with the title. Of course she did. I looked at her, Roxanne and Triz and said;

"I'm not a princess anymore. You guys can choose."

As soon as I said that, some royal guards started running at us and I said;

"But what you don't have a choice on doing is running. So... FUCKING RUN, BITCHES!"

We all then quickly jumped up and started running. I didn't know I could do this, but I fell on my knees and slid under a fallen branch and then got up and started running again. This put a decent gap between me and the guards. Roxanne then caught up to me and handed me my mask. I don't question anymore, so I put it on, she then threw down some sleep smoke bombs and we kept running. The guards ran straight through the smoke and passed out. When we got out of the capital, we all stopped running. I dropped my bag and fell to one knee. I couldn't even stand anymore. Too tired for this bullshit. After a while, we got up and started walking. We agreed that were leaving Aloriah. We can't stay in a place where people like us aren't welcome. I'm thinking of it as expanding my knowledge of the kingdoms. Mother would call it madness, but she's the one who let me go, is she not? After a few days of walking and only stopping to eat and rest for a few hours, we reached a inn in the middle of nowhere. Roxanne made us go in. When we did, it was full of bards and ladies that looked just as tired as my band. The innkeeper walked. To us and said;

"Runaways or just bards?"

Triz shrugged and said;

"We've nothing to loose. We're practically runaway bards."

The innkeeper nodded and said;

"Room three hundred six. Free of charge, unless you order a escort or food. Thank you for staying with us."

Triz nodded and said;

"Respect to you, mister. Thank you."

When we got to the room, it wasn't a small room with four beds crammed in all the corners, it was a fairly nice room. The beds were in the corners with clean bedding, there were chests at the end of each bed, bedside tables next to each bed with candles. They give this luxury to commoners in this kingdom? In Aloriah, you either had to be part of the royal family, a Lord or Lady, or just a wealthy person. I guess everywhere is different. Let's see what happens to us. Besides, what have we to loose? Our minds? That's a sailed ship.

A not so royal Princess (Original)Where stories live. Discover now