There's a first time for everything

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It's now been a year since I joined the band. It's been going well. Today when I opened my eyes, Nina pulled me off my bed onto the floor. When my head hit the floor I sat up and said;

"The fuck's wrong with ya today, Nina?"

Nina then pulled me to my feet and said;

"Today you're eighteen, right?"

I nodded and said;

"Yes. And this eighteen year old wanted to sleep in on my name day."

Nina then laughed and said;

"No, no. You get to know how we get our money, now. And you get to help."

I sat down on the edge of my bed and said;

"Oh. Your side hustle? You never did tell me about it. I'll see what I can do. Just let me get dressed, first."

Nina then grabbed my arm and said;

"For what it is, you can't be wearing a dress... No. That's how you trip and die."

Nina then put a blue shirt, brown pants and brown boots in my hands and said;

"Get dressed, Chica. We'll meet you down stairs in a bit to teach you how to side hustle, and then we'll give you your gift. See you."

She then left and I looked at the outfit. I've never worn pants before. Even my riding attire was a dress. It was weird, but it was fine when I put it on. When I was done and went down stairs, Roxanne said;

"Wo hast du dieses Mädchen gefunden, Nina? Sie ist attraktiv, egal in was du sie hineinstelst."

Nina walked over to me and said;

"Beautiful as always. Now, we're going to have a small quick breakfast and then we're going to teach the side hustle. Alright?"

I nodded, and then they passed food around. They inhaled it in less then a minute. I finished in one minute thirty seconds. Still quickly thought. Apparently, eating kills daylight. So, when we finished eating, Nina and the rest of us walked outside and Triz said;

"Our side hustle is stealing. There's a high ranker in town. We're going to steal from him."

I then got secretly worried. What if that high ranker was my father? If my band found out I was the Princess Dahlia, would they abandon me out here? I can't risk it, but Roxanne handed us all masks and said;

"To keep our identitys secret. We can't risk it."

We then heard drums from down the road, and saw some horses with gold armour. Those were for sure royal horses. I am royally fucked. No pun intended. I really don't want to steal from my father. Even though he was a jackass the last time I saw him, he's still my father. When the horses and guards guided my dad to a more secluded place, Roxanne pulled out a purple bomb. Apparently it's a sleep smoke bomb, not deadly. She then thew it at a horse and Tris put her hand over my dad's nose and mouth to keep him from breathing in the smoke. Me and Nina then took the bags and money off the horses, and when the smoke was nearly gone, Triz forced my dad to breathe in the smoke and we ran away. When we got back to the room at the inn, there was a girl sitting on my bed. She was pretty, but her dress was revealing. Was she my gift? If she was- Nina then said;

"This is Gena. She's a specialist in first timers. I didn't want to get you a guy, because we all know, boys are gross... Except for Charlie over there. You're the only exception."

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