We're here to stay, bitch.

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Today when I got up, Triz was the only one still asleep. Roxanne and Nina were gone. I opened the door to our room and walked out, when I got to the lobby, it was filled with bards looking mad as hell and Roxanne yelling something in fucked up really fast German. Someone then slapped me across the face and said;


I balled my hand into a fist. I couldn't understand what the person said, but Roxanne taught me some words in German that nobody should call me. I'm about ready to punch this ass hole in the face. Right when I was about to say something, Roxanne said;


I then backed up as the person took out their lute. I put my hand in my pocket. There was a sharp rock in there. I think Roxanne put it there when she was yelling. What did they do?! I expected this from Triz. Not Roxanne. Fucking hell. Just then, someone with a sword in gold armour walked in. He then said;

"Alle Menschen kämpfen, trennen sich. Jeder, der getroffen wurde, Sie werden 100 Münzen bekommen. Komm zu mir."

I looked at Roxanne and she said;

"He said, 'All people fight, separate. Everyone who has been hit, you will get 100 coins. Come to me.' Go to him. You're going to get money."

I walked to him and he said;

"Foreign or Lokal?"

I nodded and said;

"Foreign. That person over there slapped me for no reason. I just got up a few minutes ago."

The guard handed me a coin bag and said;

"Right. Here's your payment, and a few words of advice, don't pick fights. That's how you end up in jail. The jail here may look nice, but you have to meet a certain standard to be let go."

I nodded and took the bag. When I got back to the room, Nina and Roxanne were talking in some loud German to Triz. I only heard a few words, but Triz was wrapped in her blanket next to a bloody dagger. When Nina saw me, she walked up to me, grabbed my hand and pulled me fully out of the inn. When we were outside, she said;

"Come on. Let's go check out the shops. I'll see if Roxanne can teach you some German soon."

I nodded and then she pulled me to a shop where there were some nice looking dresses. I don't wear dresses anymore, but they look nice. Just then, the person that called me a whore threw a rock at me and yelled;

"Geh weg, ausländische Huren! Dies ist ein respektabler Laden!"

Nina then grabbed my hand back and said;

"She's not worth it today. Let's go, babe."

I let her pull me away, because I really didn't want to screw up my reputation as soon as I got somewhere. When we got back to the room, I sat on my bed and said;

"Who does the chick think she is? We may be foreign, but that doesn't give anyone the right to disrespect us."

Nina smiled and then leaned on the wall. She then looked at me and said;

"You forget, Dahlia. This isn't the palace. This is the real world. You can't just demand respect and get it, you have to fight and work for it."

Roxanne looked at us and said;

"Everything was taken care of. Triz took care of the incident. She won't do it again."

I sighed and then stood up and said;

"Ladies, you know you don't need to hide stuff from me, right? I'm mature."

Triz cleared her throat and said;

"Someone pushed my limits, so I got rid of them. I shouldn't have done that, but I did."

Roxanne crossed her arms and said;

"You ladies are lucky I'm from this area. Without me, you would drown."

I nodded and said;

"I wouldn't think otherwise."

Nina looked around and said;

"Well, we're stuck in this room for the rest of the day. This'll be fun."

Roxanne slammed her back against the wall and said in german;

"Niemand sagt mir, wohin ich gehen kann und wohin nicht."

Triz stood up and said;

"Just chill out, alright? You're not trapped, you're just wanted here."

Nina facepalmed and said in Spanish;

"Tal ves no deberíamos vivir en estas partes."

I sat down and said;

"Are we moving again?"

Triz nodded and said;

"We're all probably just gonna go home. We can't deal with this."

Just then, a guard opened our door and said;

"Princess Dahlia of the Seven Kingdoms of Aloriah. Your father sent a crow. We're here to return you to Aloriah."

I looked back at Nina and she said;

"Do what you want, Dahlia. I'm giving up."

I looked at the guard and he said;

"Don't fight it. It'll only make your return more difficult on the both of us."

I turned around and ran to a window. I then threw a book through the glass and jumped out. Nina's eyes lit up with energy and she jumped out too. Everyone jumped out the window and we started running down the street. I looked back at Nina and in a laughing tone I said;

"We're gonna get in so much trouble!"

Nina grabbed my hand and sped up. She then smiled and looked in my eyes, and said;

"It doesn't matter, at the end of the day! We're royally fucked anyway!"

There was then a poll that was blocking us from the other street, so we fell on our knees and slid under it. When we stood up, Roxanne sighed and said in German;

"Das war dumm. Ihr habt Glück, dass ich mir das zeug geschnappt habe."

Triz smiled and said;

"Thank you, Rox. Lifesaver, you."

Nina then took her bag from Roxanne and handed me mine. I looked around at our surroundings and said;

"So... What do we do now?"

Roxanne looked at me and said;

"We're going to stay here. No one can stop us... Not after what we just pulled. And, plus. I like the town. It's nice to be back with my people."

I smiled and sat down. I then said;

"So, what do you guys think of being traveling bards? Nobody will have shit on us if we are."

Nina smiled at the idea and said;

"Everyone say yes in your lang if you agree with Dahlia."

She then smiled and in Spanish, said;


Triz looked down and said in French;


Roxanne smiled and said;


I smiled and said;

"So, that's it. We're now traveling bards. This life just got ten times more interesting."

A not so royal Princess (Original)Where stories live. Discover now