When trust's lost, it doesn't return the same

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Today, Triz didn't even look at me. I guess she still hates me for keeping my old life a secret. I've given her all I can, while apologizing again and again. What does she have against me so badly? The fuck did I do to her? Sure, I lied about where I stood, but my friendship wasn't untrue. One would think you would turn in criminals, but me? I didn't,because they're my friends. I guess Triz is still disappointed. She doesn't even sleep in the same room as me anymore. Today when I saw her, I grabbed her wrist and said;

"No. Triz, talk to me. What's going on with you? Are you okay?"

Triz then punched me in the gut, and I fell to the ground holding my stomach. I then said;

"Fucking hell, Triz. Will you answer me?"

Triz then kicked me and said;

"Nobody's told you yet? My past?"

I stood up and said;

"What? What did my family do so wrong to you? Why do you hate me so much?"

Triz then backed up to the wall and said;

"If you don't know, then you never need to. Mind your business, Princess. We're taking you back to the palace today. You're not of use to us anymore. You may take your leave if you want."

I then backed out the door and said;

"Taking me home? W-what? Triz, tell me you're lying... Please..."

Triz crossed her arms and said;

"Unlike you, I'm not a betrayer, a cheat, and a user. I don't lie. I'm true to my word."

I grabbed her hands and said;

"Triz! I'm not fake! I didn't use you guys! I loved you guys like my sisters! I still do, please... I'm not fake. Fuck royalty, fuck money, fuck high quality. I'll do anything for you guys. I swear on my life... Please, Triz..."

Triz then pulled me in the room, closed the door and said;

"I hate royals, because I was raped by your brother. I was raised in a pleasure house. Raised a whore. When your brother died, I swore that I would never look, respect, or be ruled under a royal ever again. Listen, I'll trust you, but don't lie ever again, alright?"

I nodded, and then hugged Triz and said;

"I promise. I'll never lie again. On my life I swear. Are you still sending me home?"

Triz shook her head and said;

"No. You get to be free another day, I promise."

Roxanne then walked in with Nina and said;

"The Queen's here. She's looking for Dahlia."

Nina then grabbed me by my shoulders and said;

"No. You're not going to her alone. Take me, in the very least, will you?"

I nodded, and then I walked down to the lobby with Nina, and there she was. My mom. She was dressed in her beautiful green dress.

Why was she dressed like this though? Was there a special occasion? When my mom saw me, she unclipped her cape thing off, and ran to me

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Why was she dressed like this though? Was there a special occasion? When my mom saw me, she unclipped her cape thing off, and ran to me. She then hugged me and said;

"Thank the universe you're safe. Let's get you home. Come now, dear. Your maid is waiting."

I pulled away from her and said;

"No. I'm not Princess Dahlia anymore, mother. I'm just... Dahlia. Or Bard Dahlia... But I'm not a princess... I never have been... Never will be. Please understand where this is coming from."

My mother scoffed and said;

"Dear please. You're clearly unwell. You say you like ladies, when we found you a nice Lord to marry. He's been waiting. You're our heir. Take the throne while you still can. You two will rule the kingdoms to be more powerful then they ever were before. You'll also have nice children to carry out our family name."

I then decided to go Princess mode. She wanted Princess Dahlia of the seven Kingdoms of Aloriah back? Well then. She'll get what she wants. I then crossed my arms and said;

"Mother? What if he strikes me? Mother? What do I do if I cannot please him? Mother? What do I do if he harasses me? Mother... Please..."

My mom then looked surprised and said;

"All very good questions... We'll figure them out at the palace... You'll be back to your old self in no time at all. You'll feel a lot better."

I then slapped her across the face, because, how was my own mother going to tell me that I am unwell for liking ladies? The amount of disrespect here is insane. I then crossed my arms and said;

"Fuck no, bitch. I'm a bard. You're the Queen. What's the queen doing here? She's about to get robbed. She should leave now. I bid her farewell. I don't want to cross paths with her ever again, until we meet in the life after."

I then picked up my mom's cape things, balled it up, and shoved her out the door of the inn, and walked back up to the room. When we got there, Nina looked at me and said;

"Where did you learn to talk like that, palace trash? That was hilarious. It really was."

I stopped what I was doing and looked at Nina. She just called me palace trash. What? I then said;

"Palace trash? Why palace trash?"

Triz sighed and said;

"We call each other our past occupations, and then trash. For example, I am pleasure house trash, and Roxanne is slave trash. You're now palace trash. Happy nickname."

I laughed and said;

"What a funny way to put a nickname. That really is original."

Roxanne leaned on the wall and said;

"I'm a escaped slave. These hands? They murdered the great lady and Lord of the north. They were shit people anyway. Starved everyone. Only gave us food when we were about to die. Crazy, it was. So, I put poison in their wine. Funny. They died so loudly..."

I nodded and then sat down on my bed. Tomorrow would be a official fortnight, so we would have to go to another place. For now though, I was tired and about to pass out. I nodded at Nina, because she didn't sleep with me anymore. She just slept by herself. I then took off my boots and got into bed. Nina then blew out our candle, and got into bed with me. For the first time in a while, I felt complete. I put both my parents in their places, and I'm sleeping with the love of my life again. Can things get any better for me? I love my new life.

A not so royal Princess (Original)Where stories live. Discover now