A new town with new crowds

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When we got up this morning, the table in the middle of our room was filled with food. We have enough money to buy food to stay alive, but food like this?! I haven't seen it since I was a palace prick. Nina got up and walked to the table looking surprised and said;

"Who ordered this? I don't remember ordering this... Was it you, Triz? Roxanne? Dahlia...?"

I shook my head and said;

"I'm not interested in these luxuries. I got them too much while I was stuck in Castle Aloriah."

Roxanne then sat up and said;

"I- I think I can speak English now... Uhm... The Wirt-"

Triz cut her off and said;

"The English word for Wirt is Host, Roxanne."

Roxanne sighed and said;

"The host said that this place is luxurious, no? He said everything was free unless we order it. We need to enjoy this, because places like this no come regularly. Take advantage, mädchen."

I stood up and said;

"Why is there a pig? People eat pig for breakfast here? My family usually eats bread and bird eggs. It's interesting here."

Roxanne then walked to the table and picked up what looked like a sausage and then dropped it. She looked up at me happy and said;

"It's actually hot. Is this actually normal to you, Dahlia?"

I nodded and said;

"All you really need to do is hold something over a fire for it to be hot. It's common."

Triz then grabbed something and ate it. She then looked at us and said;

"Why are we talking about the food instead of eating it? Just fucking eat. It's not a big deal."

I then sat down and grabbed a plate. I don't know what to get. I haven't seen this much food in a while. Nina then put bread, bacon and this muffin thing on my plate. It wasn't a muffin, but it wasn't meat. I guess it's just a hot cake. It's not cake, not a muffin, but I ate it and it was gross. I then ate everything else on my plate. When we were all done eating, someone knocked on our door. I opened it and it was a guy dressed in black. He said;

"Hello, my ladies. I'm here for any waste you have. Is there anything I can get out of your way for you?"

I nodded and said;

"Yes. Just this, please."

He nodded and took the leftover food and walked away. He did charge us or judge us in any way shape or form. Things aren't like this in Aloriah. Things are better here, so we've seen so far. After bathing and getting dressed, we walked out of the inn to continue to the new kingdom. We heard about it in the inn and it's call Valea. Along the way, Nina had to kill several bandits. Guess they tried to fuck with the wrong bards. That's a mistake they can never apologize for. Anyway, we got to a small town looking area and Triz said;

"Valea... It looks like a nice place so far."

Roxanne nodded and said;

"Yes it does. Can we buy some food? We've been walking for six hours and it's nearly second meal time."

I then checked my pockets. I don't have any coins and I don't want to sell any of my stuff. I shook my head and said;

"I don't have any money, Roxanne. I'm sorry."

Roxanne nodded and we continued walking. We walked straight through that town area until we got to the capital. I've been here before... But when? Maybe it's just a bad case of Deja Vue. Who knows?

Nina smiled and said;

"Well, bards... This is home. At first glance it's not so bad... Let's see at second glance."

Triz crossed her arms and said;

"I still don't like how I had to smash my lute in that stealers face. Now I have blood in it. These are difficult to clean, you know?"

Nina shook her head and said;

"That's the last thing we're worried about, Triz. The things we're worried about is where we're going to sleep tonight and when our next meal will be. I'm sure they won't be soon."

Someone then walked up to us and said;

"Seid ihr Mädchen Barden? Meine Familie liebt Musik. Ich werde dich viel bezahlen, wenn du heute Abend auf der Party meines Sohnes spielst."

Roxanne nodded and said;

"Ja, das sind wir. Wie viele Münzen sprechen wir für Bezahlung?"

The person laughed and said;

"Wie klingt fünfzig, Schatz?"

Nina dropped her lute and said;

"Fünfzig?! Heilige Scheiße. Wir werden es tun, Sir. Das ist eine Menge Geld, das wir uns geben können. Wir danken Ihnen endlos."

Triz laughed and said;

"Now, now, now. We have a bilingual person here. She can't understand a word you're saying. Why don't we explain."

Nina looked at me smiling and said;

"This person is going to give us fifty coins for a preformance at their son's party! That's a lot more money then I make in a fortnight!"

I paused. Fifty coins. This is insane. This kind of money is being given for something so easy, like entertainment? Even escorts from Aloriah don't cost this much! I shook my head and said;

"This is a mistake. They can't be serious... Are they? If so, we're set for a long time. Set."

The person then handed Roxanne a paper and said;

"Zu diesem Gebäude bei Sonnenuntergang. Nicht zu spät kommen oder die Hälfte bezahlen."

The person then handed Roxanne twenty five coins and walked away. When he did, Triz said;

"Fuck yeah, bitchesss... We can afford to get somewhere to sleep and something to eat!"

Roxanne smiled and said;

"We can afford a cheep hotel, and a small meal for all of us... My parents are from this land. It's a place of music, poetry and art in general."

Triz then started playing a small tune on her lute and said;

"You're from here? This is supposed to be a foreign land, girl."

I laughed and said;

"We should have gone north then. Some of the Alorian people are from here."

Everyone then facepalmed and we all seemed a little chiller. Soon enough, we got a room at a simple inn. The rest of the night was full of my shitty German pronunciation and Trizes lute playing. We got paid the full of what we were owed, and then went back to the inn. I think we can actually make it here. It'll take a while for us to get back on schedule and move every fortnight, but it'll be alright. We're all free now.

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