Farewell, Dahlia.

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⚠If you feel uncomfortable with any of this, please know that I'm happy you made it this far, and I'm thankful you've enjoyed my book. I'll be writing another one shortly. See you!⚠

We've been traveling for a long while. Not all of the time has been very enjoyable, because we are still on the run from Roxanne's people. They know how to track. Not to mention my dad hasn't givin up on looking for me, yet. I'm thinking that I might just end it. They won't let me go, and I don't want to be held down by responsibility. I'm going to break the news to them later. I'm not sure how they will react.

This morning when I got up, Nina looked at me, smiled and said;

"Good morning, love. Feeling good today?"

I nodded and kept my eyes down. With the choice I just made, I don't think I can look any of them in the eyes. You understand. Anyway, when everyone got up, I gathered us all in a circle on the floor and said;

"Ladies, I have made a hard decision. It might be hard for you to hear, and it'll be hard for me to do."

Triz looked at me and said;

"What? If it's hard for us, then it must be really fucking hard. What's going on?"

I looked at the floor and said;

"To ensure all of your safetys, I've decided to end my life by the last light. The Royal guards will never stop looking for me, and I'm only putting you guys in danger."

Roxanne looked at me and said;

"Nein, Dahlia. Das können Sie uns nicht antun. Sie sind sehr wichtig geworden."

I looked at her and said;

"I understand why you would object, but-"

Nina then grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to her and said;

"But, nothing. Dahlia. You can't do this to me."

I looked at her and said;

"I'm just trying to keep you all safe. As I said, at the last light. It's currently the morning. Let's make my last day a hella fun one, at the least."

Nina stood up and said;

"At the least."

We all then walked outside and I climbed a tree. Nina looked up at me and said;

"What are you doing?"

I looked down at her and said;

"I'm just getting my last feel of a tree. Who knows what happens in the life after?"

Roxanne looked at Triz and said;

"I really don't want her to do this... There's always another way... Isn't there?"

Triz crossed her arms and said;

"There usually is, but not this time."

Roxanne looked at me and said;

"Your last feel of a tree... How about our last show? We preformed together a lot, and that has been lost over the years, with the guards being able to track us more."

Triz gave a weak smile and said;

"Yeah... Your last show with us..."

I looked at them and said;

"I suppose we could do one more..."

I then jumped out of the tree and Nina caught me. She looked me in my eyes and said;

"Which song was your favorite that we sang?"

I stood up, smiled and said, "A little sacrifice. That song has the feels, and it sounds powerful at the same time."

Roxanne then walked away. When she came back, she walked to Nina and said;

"Ich habe uns die Bühne besorgt. Sind Sie bereit?"

Nina glanced at her, crossed her arms and said;

"As ready as I'll ever be."

We all then walked down the street to the stage, and walked on. We then waited until a crowd formed and then, I started singing.

When the song was over, everyone stayed silent. I looked at Triz and said;

"I feel ready to end this, now."

Nina pulled me off the stage and said;

"Not yet!"

I looked down and said;

"Nina, please. You have to understand-"

Nina grabbed my shoulders and said;

"I don't have to understand anything. You do."

I shoved her off me and said;

"Nina. Understand my point, God dammit!"

Nina stumbled before standing straight again and said;

"And your point is clear as day, love, but you're fucking stupid!"

I paused when she said that, and looked at her. I then said;

"On my mother's name, you did not just say that."

Nina looked me dead in my eyes and said;

"On your mother's name I did, just say that."

I walked away her and pulled out my knife. When I got to a secluded area, I looked at the blade and said;

"Some princess Dahlia of the seven kingdoms of Aloriah, I was. My debt can never be repaid. I owe so much time to these kingdoms."

I then cut my wrist and sat down. Eventually, I passed out from bloodloss. When the girls found me, Nina paused and yelled;

"¡No, no, no, no! ¡No puede terminar así!"

She then ran over to me, but Roxanne grabbed her arms before she could get to me, and said;

"She's gone, Nina. There's no saving her, at this point."

Triz looked me in my face and said;

"Je ne comprends pas..."

Roxanne looked at her and said;

"She felt as though she was a burden. She didn't want to feel that, anymore."

The next day, they buried me in a flower field of Dahlias. My father will never know where I went, and he will never know where to find my girls. I only hope that in the next life, my ways will be more acceptable and I can live the way I want. I hope Nina heals from the way we left things, I hope Triz understands, and I hope Roxanne heals from her trauma. I was a horrible princess, a bad lover, and a even worse friend. I should have done better.

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