Trust comes with many challenges.

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It's been a month since me and Nina did that. Nina acts like it was the most casual activity of the world. I actually fell in love with her. I don't think she feels the same, but anyway, I've been helping with their side hustle a lot. We have a lot of money, and never lack a place to sleep when we move around every fortnight. Anyway, I've been working on a new song and when I play it in the room, Triz, Roxanne and Nina all think I'm amazing. It's crazy that I can be this good. A palace girl, that's now a bard. What a strange transformation. Interesting. Anyway, when I opened my eyes this morning, Nina threw a white shirt and some black pants and my boots at me and said;

"Get dressed, chica. We have a show today. We want you to play your song, so there will be two songs, and you're standing out. Get dressed."

I then got up and put on the clothing. It was nice to be dressed like this. I didn't really like dresses or sparkles, anyway. When I walked down to the lobby, everyone in there looked at me, and some random man said;

"This woman has talent."

He then looked at Nina and said;

"How much for her?"

Nina smiled, looked at me and then back st the man and said;

"Ten coins."

The man then threw the coins at Triz and grabbed me. Nina then stabbed him in the head and said;

"Sorry, babe. My girlfriend isn't for sale."

I then looked Nina dead in the eyes. She just called me her GIRLFRIEND. I was dating her all along? Wow. I really am a palace prik. I don't even know what asking someone out looks like. Nina then held my hand, and lead me to the stage. Her, Triz and Roxanne then started playing their lutes. They were only playing them, but it made a lot of money, nonetheless. When my time came to sing, Nina smoothed my hair down, kissed me and said;

"Don't be scared, my love. You'll do well."

I then walked to the front of the stage, and everyone went silent. My dad then walked to the front of the crowd. I'm guessing he didn't recognize me. I did grow a lot, and my looks look very different, so I wasn't surprised. I looked at Triz and she flipped me off. Nina then slapped her, and I started singing.

When I finished, I walked off stage. I didn't even bother to look back at the crowd, or my band peers. I made a huge sacrifice for my new life. I missed my mother. I missed Dakota. Triz had to take her back to the capital, because she knew that Dakota was a royal horse. I missed my old life, even though it was fucked up.

While my band members were on stage taking care of collecting money, and talking to fans, I was behind the stage, sitting there drinking some wine. Even though I understand how my dad didn't recognize me, it still hurts. Just then, I heard a twig snap, and I said;

"Ay. No fans are allowed back here. Thought you would know, since it's on the fucking sign, cunt. Now go, before I set Triz on you."

It was my dad. He sat beside me and said;

"Young lady, your vocals are amazing. You also look just like my wife. Who are you? What is your name? Where do you come from?"

I looked at him and told him the lie I first told my band when I met them. I looked at him and said;

"I'm Dahlia. I come from a lowly farm. We sell shit, and make good money. I left home to pursue my dreams. Not that... You would care."

My dad then stood up, grabbed my arm and said;

A not so royal Princess (Original)Where stories live. Discover now