Chapter 6

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TIME: 11:30 p.m

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐈𝐍 the room. Samaria found the Adult Swim channel and King of the Hill was playing, a show she somewhat grew fond of. It was quite late, the clock next to her reading thirty minutes til midnight. Her stomach growled, and she groaned, feeling her stomach slightly cramping from being empty for so long.

This was her last night in her room, wanting to make the most of it, she stayed inside all day. Luckily it was also raining, stopping almost two hours ago.

The people next door were constantly at it since she'd been here. Only stopping for brief moments before going again. She assumed the woman was sleeping with more than one person, it wasn't possible two individuals would willingly want to do this 24/7.

She hated it, however, she couldn't do anything so she simply turns her television up and tries to block the noise.

After her sex craze neighbors finally settled down about thirty minutes ago, so Samaria was finally able to sit in her own peace. However, her stomach couldn't help but constantly grown every growing minute.

She'd been hungry since around 7, however she really didn't want to spend the last $10 she had. Trying to save it for something useful, but the urge was winning right about now.

The motel offered breakfast, however it wasn't the best, everything seemed dirty and some of the people who stayed here had multiple kids, so they were making messes in the small cafe room. She only ends up getting granola bars, cereal, and yogurt; still having one last water from her previous store trip.

The yogurt being expired, and the cereal being stale. She was only left with eating the three granola bars she had. She was over it all.

Deciding not to sit around and starve herself. She gets up from the bed, a semi-loud creek coming from it as she gets out. She puts on her shoes, which might she add, were getting pretty busted, grabbing her room key and the last two $5 bills, putting the money in her pants pocket. She grabs her small hoodie, not really wanting to wear the heavy trench coat.

She unlocks her door, opening it, peeping out the room, looking both ways to make sure everything was good. She wasn't trying to deal with anymore problems that what she needed. She heads out, locking her room door behind her before placing her room key in her pants pocket, not wanting to lose it. Mentally thanking that it wasn't extremely cold outside.

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