Chapter 29

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TIME: 10:34 a.m

"𝟑𝟖...𝟑𝟗...𝟓𝟎 — 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝟒𝟎." Jayden mumbled to hisself as he did pushups on the balcony. He'd been outside since seven that morning, doing small workouts as he watched the sun slowly rise up.

After what happened yesterday, Jayden realized that they might be in more danger than he'd anticipated. Even though Jayden lacked a lot of book sense, his street sense was almost like a third sense to him and it wasn't hard to put the pieces together on what's going on.

Whoever those people were, Marion knew them.

Continuing to do pushups with a heavy mindset, he didn't noticed the patio door slide open and a person sitting down in front of him as they watched his every move.

"Keep it up and you'll be the Hulk." He hears the familiar girl say to him. He only laughs as he continued to do pushups, counting lowly to hisself as he tried to reach his goal of a hundred.

"Somebody gotta be fit 'round here." Jayden jokes.

"Hmm...Sekani's pretty fit." Samaria mumbled to herself, but Jayden heard her as he stopped, looking up at her as she looked anywhere but his face.

"What did you just say?" A humorous smile on his face as he heard what his best friend said.

"I didn't say anything." Samaria quickly says. Jayden hummed at her response, going back to his exercise.

It was silent for a few minutes — Jayden finally finishing his push-ups before he began doing sit-ups, only wanting to go to fifty. The only thing that was being heard was the birds chirping in the trees, and the young males voice sounding off every few seconds.

The patio door slides open again, this time Kimora stepping outside at she watched Jayden effortlessly do his sit-ups. She looks at him weird before shaking her head, looking at Samaria who was looking back at her.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" She says, looking at Jayden before back at the younger female. "Alone?" She mouthed out.

Samaria quickly nods, getting up from her seat before leaving Jayden outside by hisself — not that he minded.

Making their way back into the apartment, Samaria seen Sekani on the couch playing the game whereas his twin sister sat and watched. Samaria didn't know where Marion and Keyontae were, only assuming they left out the house already.

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