Chapter two

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I've never felt this great before, I spent two hours last night learning the basics of karate with sensei Lawrence, and I really enjoyed it. When we finished he told me that I had a lot of anger that I don't let out, and it's not good because you can only hold it so much before you explode. He says that it's something he also had when he was younger and it's the main thing that got his attention about me, he wants to win me as an athlete and help me out at the same time. And even though I usually don't like receiving help from other people, I actually liked the few hours we spent at the dojo, which encouraged me to come back today.

Opening the door, I'm met by the loud chatting of the teenagers in the room, I'm still in my dark blue jeans and black sweater, the hood over my head covering only the upper part of my long blond hair. I head for the locker rooms to change, ignoring the curious glances thrown my way.

After changing into my gi, I step on the math and look around the other students, some of them are whispering in small groups while looking at me, which is expected since I'm new here. Most of those students go to West Valley High School, I recognize a lot of them even though I've never spoken to any of them before. I notice Tory and Miguel stretching on a corner, the latter catches my gaze and sends a small smile my way that I don't return, and probably noticing the gesture, my sister turns around, spots me looking at them, and turns back around. Like I said, we're not that close.

«So what are we gonna call you?»

I turn around to face Mitch, giving him a weirded-out look. «try my name?» I suggest.

He smirks and opens his mouth to speak again when someone puts his arm around his shoulder.

«Pretty, isn't she ass face ??» Eli laughs. «But a little advice: girls don't like being called names. It's a beginner's mistake, man.»

Mitch stutters apologies before the boy with the now red mohawk lets him go.

«He wasn't calling me names.» I frown.

«I know where he was going with this.» He affirms. «So what? You finally decided to stop hiding in the library and switched your hood for a gi ?» he mocks and I scoff.

Okay, for those of you who are wondering, I met Eli in the school library when he was still the bullied little boy with normal hair and cliffed lip. We used to hide in there together, he from Kyler and his asshole friends and me... Well from any human being. We didn't talk much at first, I had my earbuds plugged on and he was always working on a new project on his computer, we just liked each other's silence and company. One day he turned his computer around to show me a photoshopped picture of Kyler's head on a pig's body and it made me laugh, that was the first time we talked. But before our friendship could progress, he joined Cobra Kai and became... Hawk.

«Haha, I'm not changing my habits, Eli, just trying on new things,» I respond with a fake sweet smile. «I'm not getting a relooking too if you're wondering.»

«Okay so first, it's hawk now and second, girls love my hair.» he runs his hands on the spikes in his hair to make his point. I cringe.

«yeah... Whatever helps you sleep at night.» roll my eyes with an amused smile.

«Everybody, fall in.» Johnny's voice interrupts all the chatter in the dojo, and silence fills the place. I take a spot in the front between Hawk and Miguel, both of them glance down at me before looking at each other and then back ahead. Okay...

«Today we'll be learning one of the most important lessons a cobra Kai could ever know.» the blond man starts. Only to be interrupted by hawk.

«Where's sensei Kreese?»

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