Chapter seven

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Two weeks later~~

It's been two weeks since the karate war at school, two weeks since Miguel's accident. A lot happened in two weeks.

Karate kids were all suspended for two weeks for picking a fight in school, including Sam, which was unfair. Even though she insisted that it was fine and needed to get away from that place anyway.

Aisha was moved away by her parents after she broke some kid's nose, I went to see her off and we promised to stay in contact.

Robby Keene is still missing, the police is still searching for him and he hasn't contacted anyone not even Sam who is worried to death about him. Personally, I hope he gets a sentence in juvie, he deserves it after what he did to Miguel.


The boy was still in a coma at the hospital, and as the days pass the hopes of him waking up are becoming thinner and thinner.

News of the incident spread all across west valley, students parents' are revolting and karate became a sensitive subject in town.

And then there's John Kreez, Sensei Lawrence's old sensei that left before I joined cobra Kai. Conveniently, he came back the same night of the fight at school and managed to wrap his mind around all the students making them turn their backs on Johnny Lawrence and claim him as their new teacher.

And as if life decided that it wasn't enough, mom's dialyses kicked both me and Tory in the ass, leaving us struggling to gather enough money for rant, and the landlord wouldn't stop bitching about it.

Surprisingly, Tory didn't get a sentence in juvie. The judges decided that her and I were the only ones taking care of our family and made her under probation as caretaker. I'm secretly relieved about it even if I won't admit it but even with the both of us working double shifts, we still can't manage to keep up.

Bills and money are the only things we sit down to talk about, other than that, we were like complete strangers. I still blame her for what happened at school and she hates me for standing against her. We still play the comedy in front of mom and Brandon but it wasn't hard since we've never been close anyways.

As for me, guilt has been eating me away ever since. I stopped by the hospital everyday but he was in the ICU and only family could see him. His mother offered to sneak me in a hundred times but I always declined, I don't deserve to see him anyways. I couldn't face him after what happened, it was my fault and I wouldn't stand to look at him on this state. So I just stayed at the hospital in the waiting room until it was time for me to go to work.


The bell rings in west valley high, startling me. And I realize I've been staring blankly at my open locker for at least five minutes. I sigh and rub my face with my hand, sleep was something rare for me these days. I took advantage of my suspension to work as many shifts as I could get and when I wasn't at work I usually went to the hospital. I barely slept ten hours on those two weeks and I usually get those nightmares that makes me wake up panting and sweating.

I slam my locker door shut, making a few heads look in my direction, but I didn't care. I'm starting to get used at people looking at me ever since that incident. I had to find a new job because my boss wanted to preserve his cafe's reputation and of course someone like me with a bully's face doesn't do the trick.

I make my way through the hallways, passing by the principal's office and soon enough I find myself right infront of a familiar door.

The Janitor's closet.

I stop and stare at the door absently, remembering every feeling I felt inside, the way my breath hitched, my fists pounding on the door, my voice becoming raw from screaming hopelessly for my twin.

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