Chapter 12 🐺

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Meanwhile, inside the club, the song had ended, and Tae-yeon pulled out of Wooyoung's embrace and awkwardly mumbled, "uh...., thank you for the dance, Mr......", Wooyoung chuckles as he realizes Tae-yeon really can't recognize him with the cap pulled down over his face, so decided to lean closer to her ear and whispers to her, "call me Wooyoung".

Tae-yeon's eye's glowed and the purple amethyst necklace around her neck also gave off its own glow all of a sudden, infact it's the reason she wears it to keep male werewolves away from her, while she questions, "Don't tell me your Wooyoung, one of the Alpha's of the 'KQ pack' ? ".

Tae-yeon tries to walk away from him but his lightning quick reflexes helps him catch up to her and wraps his arms around her from behind giving her no chance to escape while he asks, "how do you know I'm one the Alpha's of the 'KQ pack' ?, because as far as the rest of the humans in this club knows me and my brothers and I are the sons of a late business tycoon who are now running his businesses, so tell me, what are you ?".

Feeling his warmth and smelling his scent felt nice and made Tae-yeon's inner wolf howl at her, and tellher to just give into him but Tae-yeon was stubborn and refused to do, because she didn't want to end up like her mom did, and also she's not ready to explain how she's the result of a hook up between the head Beta of the 'Star pack' and a witch/healer.

Wooyoung kept on holding on to Tae-yeon and was clearly sniffing her to trying and pick up her scent and figure out what she was, while Tae-yeon was completely lost in her own thoughts of her mom's story and how she came to find out she's half werewolf and half witch.

The story was that Tae-yeon's mom had a fling with 'Beta Seo' when she went to go visit her aunt, who was the pack healer back then. The visit was mostly because Tae-yeon's mom needed to learn more about their family's healing skills but then she fell for this 'Beta Seo' and hooked up with him during her time at the pack and once she returned home to Ulsan he forgot all about her and moved on to his next conquest, hence when her mother called him and told him she was pregnant he slut shamed her and told her the child wasnt his.

Tae-yeon's mom cried for days, which led her aunt, the pack healer to go report him to the pack Alpha, Mr. Geu-ru Yang, Baekho's father who scold him severely and even strip him of his position as his right hand man until he does the right thing and marry Tae-yeon's mother and bring her into the pack since she's carrying one of their pups, but unfortunately the whole situation left Tae-yeon's mother bitter and she refused to marry 'Mr. Seo', and told them she wanted to raise her child outside and away from the pack. She also does not want her child to find a mate.

Which lead Mr. Geu-ru Yang to agree to her wishes but only if she atleast allows them to pay all her expenses for her, which she also tried to refuse but then afterwards accepted as the hospital bills for her pregnancy was quite hefty and ever since then the 'star pack' has been taking care of their every need.

Then round about the time Tae-yeon was thirteen her mom noticed her giving of more and more wolf like traits like, an extreme keen sense of smell, she was extremely fast as well hence the schools track and field coach asked her to join the team, then there was the color changing eyes, especially when she came home from school in a bad mood triggeing a ferocious temper.

Tae-yeon noticed these weird things and was trying to understand what going with her, infact she wondered was it related to her family being witches/healers, but unfortunately it wasn't, infact her mom called the one man she never wanted to see to come and talk to Tae-yeon.

'Mr. Seo', despite not wanting Tae-yeon in the beginning, stepped up like a father and drove down to Ulsan to go see Tae-yeon and talk to her. Tae-yeon remembers that day, it was a Friday and her one and only friends Yuna's birthday so her mom planned for them to have a pool party and sleep over since it was also the last day of school and everyone would basically be on summer break.

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