Chapter 13 🐺

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Meanwhile San had opened the car door for Analia like a true gentleman, while Analia found his action quite sweet although she on the one hand was still trying to figure out what was it about San that just makes her feel so drawn to him.

Even the moment he asked her to go with him because he wanted to show her something, she didn't hesitate. In fact, it felt like some mysterious forces were literally coercing her to go. As she sat in the car that wizzed through the city streets she thought about how usually she'd be very apprehensive about going with someone she barely knew, then glances at San and thinks to herself, "but then there's just the way he looks at me, almost like he can see into my soul, and not forgetting how a simple touch of his hand feels so familiar, warm and calming as if we've known each other for several lifetimes before".

San was so busy focusing on the road to make sure he gets his mate safely to their destination since he took the car and decided he wanted to drive the two of them, himself as he wanted a little bit of privacy.

Meanwhile Analia thought they were going to stop at one of the city's look out points to talk but then noticed him driving to a wooded area, while suddenly made a sense of worry wash over her, making her look at San with a expression that was a mix of confusion and concern, then proceeds to asks, "why are you bringing me out here?, are you some sort of weird serial killer ?".

As quickly as the questions left her lips she opened her purse and pulls out her phone ready to call her friends so they can call the police, but San takes the phone out of her hand and looks at her with a smile.

His smile Analia usually found cute but then right now it was making her nervous but she wasn't going to show him any of that but instead with a feisty tone asks, "why the fuck are you smiling".

San licks his lips, as he glances a Analia's beautiful face then at her lips which he's dying to kiss, infact which he will kiss, and comments, "You know your so cute", and gently takes hold of her hand and kisses the top of it then continues, "will you please relax, I dont intend to kill 'my luna' who I've been dreaming of finding".

Analia stares at San while the word 'Luna' is repeated in her mind. She then thinks to herself she's heard that word before, infact she's read it plenty of times in these werewolf novels she likes so much, which Lin calls weird and figures a werewolf and human being together equals to beasteality (Beasteality: sexual relations between a human being and a lower animal.).

As Analia was thinking of Lin's words which San was surprised he could hear since she's basically still 'human' and not transitioned yet, he decides to respond, "I dont think it's beasteality". Analia's eyes grew to twice their size at his words making her question, "ok, your fucking freaking me out what are you ?, some psychic that can read minds and shit ?"

San chuckles then responds, "I'm not psychic, but I actually can read minds, but only those that are very close and important to me which are my brother's and now you"

Analia: "what !!!!!?"

San: "Lia, you are my mate and I don't mean like a friend as the Australians call each other but like my soulmate".

Analia stares at him and questions, "are you high or something?, because why are you talking about soulmates and Luna's, I mean that stuff only exists in fiction novels".

San: "Don't you know every fictional story stems from a myth and every myth stems from actual reality?".

Analia: "Nah bullshit, your just trying to mess with me".

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