Chapter 15 🐺

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He then finally decides to set off into the woods at a crazy speed which shocked Analia but also excited her as she never traveled at such speeds not even in a car, then also she loved the fresh pine scent that was hitting her.

They ran up the mountain while Analia stared out over the lake and took in the beauty of the night sky's reflection dancing on the water, like gorgeous diamonds. The finally reach the top and she amazed by the gorgeous view where she can see the city lights twinkling in the distance then if she turns she can take in the tranquility of the forest and the tiny cabins inbetween bring light to the tranquil but dark forest.

She pats San's fur while saying, "I bet this is your favorite place to come to when the world gets a little too crazy right ?", and just like earlier he telepathically tells her, "Yes it is, and I've always wanted to share it with mate and now that I've finally found you I'm going to share everything with you, I'm also going to care for you and protect you with my life, because we are now one".

Analia smirks then tells him, "I guess we really are one since your communicating with me telepathically, which should be freaking me out but actually is kinda cute because then it means we can share secrets without anyone else ever finding out".

Analia can hear San's chuckle boom through, followed by him telling her, "You're absolutely adorable," making Analia smile. He lets Analia get off and she decides to sit down on a rock and just continue taling in the glorious fresh pine scent and beauty of the woods, while just like a cute puppy San lays his head in Analia's lap which was which Analia found adorable but was also greatful for because the night air was chilly and San laying on her provided great warmth, so much so that she almost started to doze off.

San noticed Analia growing tired and decided to telepathiclly tell her that they should probably head back where they both can get some rest at the lake house and go back home in the morning, Analia agreed and got onto San's back and just like earlier he took off with lightning speed as he sets off for the lake house.

Although sleepy Analia held on tightly to San but as he was running she saw a vision of the white wolf which has been plaguing her dreams running beside them making her mumble to San, "I think we have company".

San asks Analia, "What do you mean ?", but continues running, thinking if he stops, it might be rouges trying to attack them, and right now, his main priority is keeping his mate safe.

Analia: "I dont know. I've kinda been seeing this white wolf in my dreams a lot lately, and now I'm seeing it running beside us."

San: "Wait, you've been dreaming about a white wolf ?".

Analia: "Yeah, why ?".

San: "Does the wolf do anything like attack your or talk to you telepathically like I am now ? ".

Analia: "well she, and I say she because she I get like a feminine energy from her and yes she's bowed infront of me while saying, 'I am you and you are me'.

San: "Huh......., ok. "

Analia: "Why does it sound like you know something?".

San: "I'll explain when we get to the house, but promise me you won't freak out or think I'm crazy ?".

Analia: "I'll try, but I can't promise anything."

San sighs and picks up his pace even further and in the blink of an eye they arrive at the lake house, where San carefully lets Analia get off then transitions back to his human form which left Analia screaming 'oh my goodness', and running inside the house as she wasn't ready to see him nude just yet, although San found her shy and awkward demeanor to his nudity funny.

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