Late Dinner

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- Gavin -

The dining hall was filled with people when Gavin finally arrived, twenty minutes late. He had been occupied with yet another phone call from his agent, this time arranging which dates he would be leaving camp and arriving on set for the upcoming television series. It had taken way longer than Gavin had expected (or hoped), so much so that his stomach was groaning for the steaming chicken pieces that had been promised by the camp leader this morning. Tenderly holding a hand to his stomach, Gavin glanced around the room. Everybody else seemed to have almost finished their dinner, leaving the tables flanked with empty plates.

Please let there be something left for me, Lord. Gavin prayed, quickly moving over to the serving table. There were two large bowls, one half filled with pieces of heavily buttered bread, the other with only three slices of chicken. Gavin allowed a grateful smile to mold his lips and hastily loaded the food onto his plate before slipping into an empty seat at the closest table nearby. He muttered thanks to the Lord and had only just lifted a piece of chicken to his lips when a familiar voice had his heart plunging into over drive.

"Congrats on today's win, Gav. I take it this is your victory prize?"

Gavin offered a small smile as Ginny pulled out the seat opposite him. Despite his stomach's desperate grumbling, his desire for the food diminished slightly at her presence.

"You could say that. I've only just gotten here. It's only by God's grace that I got this food in time." He admitted, taking a deliberate bite into the battered meat, painfully aware of any crumbs that might fall and make him look like a messy and incompetent idiot. Ginny's features contorted to fit a look of bewilderment.

"What made you so late? Oh, wait - was it something to do with your filming again?"

"Yeah." Gavin sighed. "Just sorting out dates and stuff."


They lapsed into a short silence for a moment until someone called Ginny's name, in which Gavin seized the opportunity to all but stuff the remaining two chicken bites into his mouth when her attention was turned.

"Ginny! Gin- Oh, there you are. I wondered where you'd gone!"

A blonde girl appeared at their table, her eyes wide with what appeared to be a form of excitement. She raised her brows at Ginny, who promptly winced and placed her cheek into her palm.

"Oohh, you must be Mitch Buchanan, right?"

"Uh, it's Gavin, actually. Yeah. I like the Baywatch reference." Gavin replied, offering a genuine smile. The girl grinned at him, showing a set of perfectly straight teeth.

"I'm Libby. You know, Ginny's sister? You're the guy who stole my seat on the bus."

A low groan came from Ginny's throat, encouraging her sisters' grin to widen even more.

"The one and only." Gavin quipped. He couldn't help but let his gaze shift between the two girls opposite him. Appearance wise, they both looked like complete opposites; one with brown hair, the other blonde. If he hadn't known any better, he wouldn't have even considered the possibility of them being cousins, let alone sisters.

"You don't look a lot alike." He murmured, taking in the light freckles that sporadically dotted Ginny's face as she pushed her brown hair away from her eyes.

"Yet we're both made in God's image." Libby said with a fond smile. "Anyway, Gin-" She turned to Ginny. "Me, Ruth and Maisie were looking for you. We're going down to the church for a bit. Are you coming?"

Ginny chewed on her lower lip, snatching a quick glance at Gavin. He felt his heartbeat quicken.

"I think I'll stay with Gav for a bit. Unless you want to come with us?" She added, her astonishing grey eyes now focused directly on him. Gavin sat for a moment, contemplating the idea.

"Yeah, why not? Just give me a sec to finish this."

As he hastily chewed on the pieces of bread, he pretended not to notice the significant glance Libby directed at Ginny, and how Ginny's face went distinctly red.

"So what are we doing there?" He asked curiously, pushing back his seat to stand. The two girls seemed to partake in a momentary silent battle against each other before Libby flashed an overly wide grin at him.

"We're going to pray as a group. You in?"

Gavin nodded, feeling his lips move into a smile as the thought of spending further time with both God and Ginny sprang into his mind.

"Yeah. I'm in." 

Hi, peeps! 😊 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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God bless you all! ❤🤗

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