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- Ginny -

"Last one on the beach loses bathroom privileges!" Lillie yelled out, as the group of girls caught sight of the glistening blue sea ahead of them.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Ruth protested as she watched the blonde-haired girl break out into an unstable run along the pebble-strewn path. "Since when was that a rule?"

"Since she became captain of the cabin. Arg! I'm so not going to be the one locked out of the bathroom!" Maisie grouched, before she and Ruth both surged forward to chase after their cabin mate, with Brooke following closely after. Ginny watched their actions with amusement as they stumbled haphazardly over the sharp pebbles, content with feeling the breeze whip against her. Hopefully, they'd have so much fun during free time that they'd entirely forget about the bet - in theory, anyway. She paused for a moment and lifted her gaze from her giggling friends to the bright blue sky. After last night's strange occurrence, she seriously needed some peace, and God had most certainly provided her with it in the form of a clear summer's day and a trip down to the beach. Everything had gone perfectly today, apart from the morning prayer service. It had been incredibly unnerving walking into the church building after glimpsing that strange demon-esque creature last night. She hadn't been able to stop herself from glancing at the doorway every few seconds, which had meant that allowing herself to be submerged in God's presence had been particularly difficult. She praised Him silently that He had given her an opportunity to distract herself, even momentarily, from the fearful feeling that had gripped her mind since last night.

A soft buzzing in her pocket prompted her to pull her phone out from her jeans pocket. It was a notification - from @gavinwalker:

@gavinwalker has sent you a message on TikTok.

Ginny tried to supress the skip of her heart and slowly, deliberately opened the app.

@gavinwalker: hey! looks like you found my account! 😅

Ginny felt a smile tug at her lips.

@ginsykes: Yep. Now I know all your secrets! 😂

@gavinwalker: not all of them!! 😉🤐

@gavinwalker: Where are you anyway?? 🤔 Me and the guys wanted to invite you girls for some volleyball. U up for it?

@ginsykes: You bet! Team John will always prevail! 💪

@gavinwalker: 😂😂 Apart from in capture the flag!

@ginsykes: 😤

@gavinwalker: 😇😋

"Hey, Gin! Over here!" A familiar male voice called out as Ginny's bare feet touched crumbly sand. Glancing up, Ginny caught sight of the group of Gavin's cabin mates and her friends surrounding a large white net. Even from this distance, she could see that the boys had made the executive decision to abandon their shirts, Gavin included. Her face flooded with heat as she tried, not very hard, to tear her gaze away from Gavin's well-toned body and muscled arms. Shaking her head to rid her mind of any creeping thoughts, she made a quick prayer to the Lord, asking Him to pull her back from the grasps of temptation, before jogging her way over to them.

"You took your time!" Brooke proclaimed, flashing a wide grin at her as she pulled her ringlets of shiny brown hair into a ponytail.

"Yeah. Guess who's lost bathroom privileges?" Lillie added, raising her brows at her teasingly. Ginny rolled her eyes and glanced over at Ruth, who was determinedly avoiding Matthew's flustered gaze.

"I vote Ruth as new cabin captain." She said dryly.

"What? Why?" Lillie demanded with a pout. "I'm the perfect captain!"

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