Bonus Chapter: Gavin's Diary

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- Gavin -

Dear diary,

Wow! So much has happened in these past few days. I finally managed to take a few weeks out from filming, and my chosen place of rest is non-other than church camp. Oh gosh, it's seriously awesome. I love how I'm surrounded by so many people my age who love God. The whole camp experience is supposed to last for the duration of three weeks, but a few days ago Max phoned (in the middle of church service - not exactly the best time) and told me the unfortunate news that my break would have to be cut an entire week short due to early filming for my next show. I can't lie, I was really disappointed. I'd been planning this break for a long, long time - just a few weeks to focus on my relationship with Jesus. I was seriously headed down a kind of melancholy road of self-pity, when two things jolted me back. The first being God, naturally. He comforted me with his word, reminding me that no second I spend with Him is wasted. The second thing was Ginny, a girl - sorry, woman of God - who I met on the coach on the way to camp. She told me that the only thing that matters is that I'm actually here, worshiping God and putting in the effort, basically. There's something about her, something amazing. Something that leaves me breathless. She's definitely strong with the Lord - that, anyone can see. She's kind and isn't afraid to proclaim the word. Honestly, I think she's beautiful, inside and out. It's so difficult these days to find someone who is both - beautiful in Spirit as well as appearance. And she seems to have a Bible quote for every situation, which is seriously cool. I think God lead me to her for a reason, but I don't want to be jumping ahead here. I don't even know what she thinks of me. I hope she can see Jesus in me. Ginny has a twin sister too, although she doesn't look anything like her. It astounds me how two people who look so different can be so closely related. I guess God created them to be like that for a reason.

Anyway, I better go - Matt's yelling at me to hurry up. We're going down to dinner now, and then we have the evening church service followed by camp games. I've been spending the whole afternoon trying to mend Ginny's cross necklace. Me and the guys had a game of beach volleyball with the girls during free time yesterday, and Ginny tripped up and broke it. I feel so guilty since I was the one who hurled the ball at her. Not only did she break her necklace (which I insisted I could fix) but she sprained her foot as well. Yeah, way to impress her, Gav! Great job!

Tom, the guy in charge of the camp, said it's not that bad and it will probably be healed in a few days - but, gosh, I feel bad! I keep praying to the Lord that He heals her, so I know she'll be fine, at least. I just hope I've fixed her necklace well enough to make her feel better! I knew she already wasn't feeling great because of the weird occurrence that happened in church the other night when me, Gin, Libby, Maisie and Ruth were praying on our own. It felt wrong the moment I stepped foot into the church, which seemed so strange considering the actual church building is all about God. A little while later after Maisie had finished reciting the Lord's Prayer, something caught my eye near the doors. Glancing up, I saw this horrifying creature - like a figure draped in black. Honestly, I was scared out of my skin. We all prayed over each other to the Lord, and the weird creature-thing thankfully disappeared. Even after it had gone, I could feel Ginny trembling - we were all still holding hands - and her face had gone drip white. I immediately wanted to protect her from all the evil in the world, to put my arms around her and pull her close - but I knew that I couldn't. That was my fleshful desires, right? Anyway, Jesus is the only One who can truly protect her, so I'm trusting in Him. God's got a plan - Jeremiah 29:11 - so I guess I'll just see what happens next!

Praise Jesus! ❤

''For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.'' - Jeremiah 29:11

Hey, guys! 

In honour of everything that Jesus has done for us in this Holy Week, I had the idea to write a bonus chapter from Gavin's pov! Tell me what you think about it - yay or nay? 

May we all take this moment to thank Jesus for His sacrifice for us. Without Him, we wouldn't have access to the Father and His forgiveness. He didn't just die on that cross - He defeated all sin. Now, we can do so too, in His glorious name. On this day, He rose from the dead. He showed us that anything is possible with God. Let us give thanks and praise God's holy name, for He is victorious forever and ever! 

God bless you all, and may you find peace in the Lord! ❤

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