Surprise News

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- Gavin -

The next few days were crammed full of activities and worship that drew Gavin closer to his Saviour. He had been right - a break from his acting career had been just what he needed, even if it was the narrowest gap of time. Even though he was strict to keep in the word of God every single day when he was filming all day, he felt closer here, as if all burdens had been lifted from his shoulders and his clouded mind released from negative thoughts. Maybe it was the fact that he wasn't on a tight, stress-filled schedule, or because of the like-minded individuals that God had graciously surrounded him with. Gavin knew that his friends, Ginny in particular, were a blessing to him, to remind him that God was still there and hadn't left him and never would. It was like breathing a breath of fresh air to escape the sometimes stifling confines of the acting world, to break free of who people expected him to be. This was all a gift from God - one that he knew he didn't deserve - and one that he so desperately needed. That was one of his favourite things about God, the fact that He was so loving and merciful. Gavin was painfully aware that he wasn't perfect, despite what magazines and celebrity gossip columns painted him out to be. He fell short of God's glory every day. He messed up. But he tried every day, and God knew that. Jesus forgave him for everything and loved him unconditionally, without limitations. Where people looked at appearances, God looked at the heart. God knew just what Gavin needed, just what he wanted - and he loved him through all of his transgressions, all of his low points. This was what Gavin had come close to somewhat forgetting. God loved him - God loved him. And he could do nothing to change it.

The thought brought a smile to Gavin's face as he leaned back against the pillowed headboard of his bed, watching the apricot sun clamber into the sky through the nearest cabin window. God had woken him promptly at five am, and he had simply been watching the night turn to day in silent worship since, reluctant to wake his cabin mates. Gavin sighed, allowing his eyes to flutter closed. This was what life was about. Feeling like this. It was the best feeling ever-


The shriek of a phone's ringtone shattered the silence of the cabin. Gavin hastily grabbed his phone to muffle the sound as the cabin erupted into irritated chaos.

"Arg!! What the heck?" Paul slurred from across the room, pushing his face into his pillow.

"Turn it off, man!" Matthew groaned. Gavin winced apologetically and quickly accepted the call, not bothering to check the caller ID.


"Gavin? Hi!" It was Max, his agent.

"Oh, hey, man! What's up?"

"Quite a bit, actually. Sorry for calling you so early in the morning, but I've got some news for you. Are you in an area where we can talk?"

Curiosity chased a bewildered frown across Gavin's face. He quickly pushed himself up off the bed, slipped his feet into some trainers, and made for the cabin door, still pushing the phone to his ear.

"Alright, I'm good, Max." He assured him the moment he was outside. He stared up at the breathtakingly gorgeous scene of the morning sunrise as he waited for Max's news.

"Well, Gav, it's this... Shooting for Summer Blues won't be happening anytime soon. Half the cast can't make it to California in time anyway, so the producers called and said we'd have to reschedule for the shooting."

Gavin was quiet as he let Max's words sink into his mind. Filming was supposed to happen next week. He had been planning everything around it for ages. Now what?

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Gav. But we can't do anything about it. If half the cast can't come..."

"Yeah, don't worry, Max. I get it." Gavin insisted, pushing his fingers through his thick curls of hair - a trait of his when he felt stressed or nervous.

"There's an upside to all this at least!" Max's voice perked up suddenly. "You'll be able to finish your camp thing! It's three weeks, right? Well - there you have it! God works in mysterious ways!"

Gavin's eyes widened. Max was right. This seemingly inconvenient situation meant that Gavin could experience the entire three-week camp without interruptions, meaning that he would ultimately gain a longer break than he had fought for. He could spend more time worshipping God in this environment, instead of in the back of a filming trailer. His lips quirked up into a grin.

"Oh yeah... That's great! Thanks for phoning me, man. Is there anything I can do to-"

"Gavin." Max interrupted with a small chuckle. "You do enough as it is. And while I might not get why this stuff is so important to you, I know that it is. So enjoy it while you can, ok?"

"Ok, sure." Gavin agreed, unable to keep the amusement from showing in his voice. "Thank you so much, Max."

"Don't sweat it, Gav. Have a good one."

"You too. Take care." Gavin grinned, before the call officially ended from the other end of the line. He lifted his face up to the glowing sky and leant his head back against the outer wall of the cabin, just as a white bird fluttered above his head toward the trees.

"Thank you, Jesus." He murmured.


"Wait, dude - you're staying?" Matthew echoed jubilantly as Gavin announced the good news to his friends at breakfast later that morning. Gavin nodded with a grin.

"Yup. It's all legit. I'm staying here for the whole duration of camp - by God's grace, of course." He added. Ginny beamed at him from across the small yet crowded dining table.

"That's so great, Gav! I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks, Gin." He murmured, knowing that his voice had subconsciously fallen to a softer decibel without any deliberate intention of his own. "How's your foot?" He asked, remembering her injury. Tom had had her remove the cast from her foot yesterday, as it had only been a small sprain. Ginny grinned at him, shifting her foot.

"God healed me. It barely hurts at all."

"Thank God." Gavin and Maisie chorused.

"Now you can go walking wherever you want! Like, on the beach - with a friend - alone." Maisie giggled, nudging Ginny's shoulder. Gavin watched their interaction as Ginny shoved her friend back, an embarrassed smile dancing across her lips. For the first time, he understood Song Of Songs 4:7 in a whole new light.

"What are the camp games tonight?" Ruth spoke up from Ginny's other side, a bewildered expression settling over her freckled features. "We weren't told last night, were we?"

"We get a night off from games. We've got the big tournament tomorrow, and then the last week is ours." Matthew offered, before anybody else could answer. Catching sight of Ginny's grin, Gavin knew he wasn't the only one who had noticed his friend's eagerness to respond. He raised his brow at her pointedly, making her stifle a laugh.

Thank you, Jesus, for such amazing friends. He thought gratefully, watching them all throw gentle banter between each other. It felt great knowing that he could fully relax now, with the full knowledge that he would be staying at the Christ-centered camp with them all. Maybe, by the grace of God, he might be able to muster up the courage to ask Ginny out?

No, he thought timidly, as he watched her laugh with Maisie. He would definitely have to lean on the power of the Holy Spirit for that one...

Hi, guys! It's been a while! 😅

Sorry for the long, long, LONG waiting period for this chapter. Once again, I had a severe case of da writer's block - but the Holy Spirit started pouring this chapter out last night... And here we go! ❤😊😅

I really hope this chapter was worth the wait! I pray that it blesses everyone who reads it! ❤

God bless you all! 

Remember that Jesus loves you so much more than you can even imagine! Just believe it and receive it! ❤😊

All praise be to God FOREVER!!!❤❤❤❤

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