Forest Trip

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- Ginny -

"I'm not so sure this is a good idea." Ginny murmured as she reluctantly took the torch light that Maisie was eagerly holding out to her. "What if we end up getting lost or something?"

Maisie, unperturbed by Ginny's anxieties, flashed her a wide grin.

"We're only going into the camp forest, Gin. We'll be fine!" She dismissed, tossing one of her blonde plaits over her shoulder as if for emphasis. Ginny frowned, feeling a feeling of bitter discomfort dwell within her. There was no other way to put it - this was, quite frankly, a stupid idea of Maisie's. Maisie and Libby had decided that it might be a fun idea to go exploring the camp forest at night, seeing as they hadn't been there yet and the entire camp had the night free of camp games. Ginny thought it was a ridiculous idea, especially considering the fact that they had nearly been attacked by that dark, shadowy figure at church those days ago.

"Nothing's going to happen." Maisie continued nonchalantly. "Besides, God will protect us. We're not going to go far. We'll be back in under an hour."

Ginny didn't reply, unsettled by the feeling of foreboding stirring within her.

"If you feel that unsafe, you could always bring Gavin with us? You know, as a sort of personal bodyguard." Maisie added pointedly. Ginny glanced at her smirk and rolled her eyes, a smile overcoming her lips despite her tentative mood.

"You really don't give up, do you?"

"Nope." Maisie grinned. "Anyway, everyone else in our cabin is going - and Libby too. Are you coming?"

Thoughts of her friends getting lost in the thick, multitudinous bank of tree trunks in the darkness of the night drilled Ginny on to agree, even despite the feeling of caution in the pit of her stomach.



Beams of their torch lights pierced the darkness of the forest as they entered the cover of the trees. Ginny couldn't help herself from praying to her Lord as the cool night breeze whipped her hair, fear gripping her heart.

"Please keep us safe, Father, please. It says in your word that you have not given us a spirit of fear but of love - but I'm scared, God. Please be with me. This is such a stupid idea. Please watch over us, in Jesus' name."

"Ha! This is so spooky!" Libby announced with an enthusiastic grin as she eyed the dark trees. "It's like something straight out of a horror movie!"

"Oh, I hate horror movies." Ruth muttered lowly. Her Irish accent was strong in her apparent fear. She clung close to Ginny's side, looking as reluctant and nervous as Ginny felt. "Why did we agree to this again?" She whispered regretfully.

"Because we don't trust these guys on their own." Ginny lamented.

"Hey! I heard that!" Maisie gasped in mock offence. "I think I'll have you know that we're perfectly capable of navigating our way through the dark without getting lost - isn't that right, Brooke?"

"Oh, yeah. Totally..." Brooke muttered unconvincingly, yanking her foot away from a mass of leaves at the trunk of a tree. Ruth groaned, and Ginny barely refrained herself from joining her.

"This is stupid! We should have at least told camp leader where we're going."

"Come on, Rudes! Where's your sense of adventure?" Lillie asked teasingly, nudging the red-head's shoulder.

"Um, back at the cabin?"

"I agree." Ginny nodded. "All I want is to curl up in bed and read John!"

"No fear there! Cue the audio Bible!" Libby grinned, whipping her phone out of her jeans pocket with a flourish. Seconds later, the sound of a male narrator's baritone voice reached Ginny's ears.

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